weirdos unite

I sleep with a .44 magnum just in case the space aliens come back. It would be one thing if they visited and let me see it coming but noooo, they're all sneaky about it and walk right trough my walls in the middle of the night.
Yeah, now that's weird lol
I talk about it a little bit in this thread I was all freaked out by it until I seen other people talking about the same sort of things. I used to think people like that were nut jobs or just plain weird and wanted attention. I knew there had to be something out there the universe is just too big to not support life someplace else. I would see strange lights in the sky that sort of thing. Then one normal evening bam they're right in my grill. You know what the real fuckaroo is? Nobody can help,nobody can do anything about it and if you told someone about it, they wouldn't believe you.
I talk about it a little bit in this thread I was all freaked out by it until I seen other people talking about the same sort of things. I used to think people like that were nut jobs or just plain weird and wanted attention. I knew there had to be something out there the universe is just too big to not support life someplace else. I would see strange lights in the sky that sort of thing. Then one normal evening bam they're right in my grill. You know what the real fuckaroo is? Nobody can help,nobody can do anything about it and if you told someone about it, they wouldn't believe you.

Well I'm not gonna deny ufos or abductions. As to whether it's happening because of aliens, well, I can't and won't say they exist.
Unless they discover a way to travel faster than the speed of light, we will never find anything but microbes in mostly dead planets. Imo.

Plus the universe is rapidly expanding so we better figure it out quick. Lol
Unless they discover a way to travel faster than the speed of light, we will never find anything but microbes in mostly dead planets. Imo.

Plus the universe is rapidly expanding so we better figure it out quick. Lol

Have you seen this yet?

How can we not be able to go over that little Rock and grab that shit?or at least attempt to and watch it run away..

dumbass nasa.

That's funny that article basically says your not really seeing this its all an illusion. If you pay attention you'll notice that they always see things and never investigate them. The more I watch the rover the more I think its a toy rolling around in navada or something. It would be a lot easier to say they did it and swindle the american public out of billions of dollars. It would also explain why they don't check on any anomalies. .
My feelings just sincerely got hurt (and the pathetic thing is I'm talking about it here). It's my birthday and neither of the friends that I wanted to spend it with thought I was worth their time.