make a new account not related to your business and come on here as a personal forum user.Hey I'm new to the forum world! Any ideas how to not be spammy or sound spammy when I share the recipes and other useful cannabis info i add to my site?
I can helpHey everyone iv been a reader here for years finally made an account.... been growing for about 7 years Cal prop 215 the whole time here in the Kern valley I grow personally like all good meds being I like pure strains and hybrids but I also caregive for 4 people some recovering from cancer one hep C patient and a diabetes and depression calling with my joint issues I have my hands full growing every summer I always start plants around new years keep them inside till about mothers day to prevent early floweringhopefully I can help anyone out and I already know I cab come here with any issues
For sure i will get ahold o f uwat up just a stoner...looking to learn more about bud and make some friends in the process...get at me...I welcome conversation born been on for a few months nice to meet all likeing the grow forums an ideas an help when stuck been doing soil for years swiched to dwc liked it better an know trying my hand with coco heard its the way to go think im gonna love it heres to new adventures in a life long passion GROWING MEDICAL MARIJUANA![]()
thats wat it do feel free wheneverFor sure i will get ahold o f u