Welcome New Members! Read this before posting!

Hello everyone! My name is James. Glad to be on the board. I’m a plant microbiologist, a veteran cultivator and lover of all things green! Glad to be here and I hope I can contribute to this community. Have a wonderful day!
Hey all. Thought I'd take a break from lurking in the other threads and pop over to the Welcome section to do a quick intro. I live on the east coast (so far east, we're the first in the US to see the sunrise ;) ) I grew up on a farm and my parents/grandparents have grown everything from blueberries to broccoli to green beans to ganja. And even though I mentored under old farmers, hippies and bikers I feel I gained a wealth of knowledge that I've only just now begun to truly appreciate. Ya know, those little tips and tricks you hear the elders go on about yet don't really think anything of em, until one day it all just kinda "clicks" together and makes sense.
Anyway, I broke away from the pack in the 80s-90s to go off and raise a little hell, finally made my way through college and have/had worked as a medic for many years since.
In 2012 my son was diagnosed with cancer and even though I've worked in the med field for many years, as a parent hearing those words rocks you to the very core of your soul. This is what prompted me to dig deeper into cannabis. So, a couple years ago I decided to leave to the city and return back home to my roots and pick up growing again. Soooo, here I am.
Nice to have finally signed up! I have been putting it off for a few months due to paranoia of putting pics on my camera and hard drive. However, once the girls starting looking really pretty and almost time for flowering I couldn't help but show them off a little. Not to mention, that I have not had much luck finding any information on Girl Scout Cookie grows, not sure if anyone has tried mainlining them either. Also, I'd be happy to offer my opinion on my new LED grow light!
I'm a new member from Iraq! I hope someone could deliver me seeds and I wanna start growning and use for my own. But not finiding a way of deliver stuff to my place!
Hello all :)

I've been lurking, reading and educating myself on here for a wee while so thought I'd say hi.

I neither grow or smoke at the moment but have toked for over 20 years.

I'm sure I'll be indulging again sometime soon :blsmoke:
Hey there - Live in a state that allows Medical MJ, but they charge too damn much... All the stuff I bought so far is probably less than one batch of what they charge. I could get it, IF I could find a Dr. that'll prescribe it. Well, said the hell with that and trying it myself. Made a few stupid mistakes first off, but I'm trying it in batches of a few seeds at a time to minimize losses until I get it down right. This is a weed, you'd think it'd be easier!
hi just joined and i like the facts and information that yall give here. im loolking to get help with my plant im really new at growing so any info would be great. hoping to make new friends thanks!
Hello all, I will be doing an outdoor guerilla grow and just wanted to say hello to everyone. Looking forward to learning from you all and helping others where/when I can .. I'm in N.Y so any input on some good seeds would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance...
Hey all I'm from the state were the bomb Hemp be California.... I resided in Northern California, so to all my 420 lovers and patients, smoke up an be merry!! Thank ​You

First and foremost welcome to RIU! :) We hope you have a pleasant time here !

Here are a few answers to some questions you might have with the forum:

https://www.rollitup.org/t/basic-riu-site-functions-faq.890488/ is a thread on basic forum functions like how to upload an avatar, or get a signature! And how to upload photos!

Here are a few forum areas you might be interested in as a new member
https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/ - for help with your plants
https://www.rollitup.org/toke-n-talk/ - random discussion not having to do with marijuana growing
https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/ - and finally newbie central to ask questions, read up or start a thread

Welcome to RIU! if you have any other questions don't hesitate to post in this thread!

Glad to a member.. I'm just starting to cook with cannabis. But do I have to decarb every timetime I make butter? I have been, but was told I didn't need to. Please help
Here in southern Oregon, it's been said that there are more growers here than anywhere else on the west coast, but zero resources in this half of the state. ALL resources are Portland/Eugene only. Years later, it's still the same...... everything is cryptic, secretive, hush hush. I notice that there is no forum for patients and growers to find each other - just like every other MJ website. What, exactly, do all the growers posting here do with their pounds and pounds of MJ? Five years as an OMMP member, STILL cannot find a responsible, reliable grower. What. Is. The. Secret. Password?
Hello all!

I've been growing for about a year now and im wanting to learn more. Pretty restricted in Ohio. I would like to move out west to California to learn the ways of both indoor and outdoor.

I'm hoping someone might be able to point me in the right direction, where are some locations that I might be able to help out?
Hi,I'm new to the forum but have had alot of years having cannibas a part of my life.I've grown many strains of herb including White Widow,Blueberry,Hashplant,Super Silver Haze,and have also created my own seeds crossing Blueberry with Cheese and blue berry crossed with White widow.The most productive strain would be Blue Widow.I am now working with concentrates such as Hashplant oil and blueberry wax.I'll try to post some photos if I can figure out how to do it,thanks for having me as a member and don't hesitate to give me some constructive criticism,peace!View attachment 3525617 View attachment 3525618 View attachment 3525617 View attachment 3525618 View attachment 3525617 View attachment 3525618 View attachment 3525617 View attachment 3525618 View attachment 3525617 View attachment 3525617 View attachment 3525622 View attachment 3525622 View attachment 3525624

Good looking stuf!!! Keep it up. Maybe a strain will make it to VA 1 day
Greetings everybody, got a few types growing - whitte widow x big bud, durban piosen, dina cheese and dina og kush, kc 45, afghan, royal cheese and summat i got outta some dodgy stuff off a bloke in the pub.
Been growing for a few years and still experimenting, thinking about trying pulsed light with led's (when i finish making the circuit), not too sure on the frequency or red/blue ratio but aint that what experimenting about, and enjoying the end product.
Enjoy be Happy Smile.
What's up guys, name is Criss, I'm from Toronto Canada, got that bomb here too. Glad to be apart of community as I've been a reader for some time.