High Powered
Well-Known Member
I wish you much success on your journey thatguytom!
hey there III m new to growing and and as strange as it seems talking to people or being social I've had problems communicating my entire life but kept myself distant quiet depressed and it only gets worse.. Not to mention the ADHD yea a hyper over excited bouncing off the wall kid how or why im this way I have no clue but I'M working kn it one step at a time.
step 1: Found the problem
step 2: Learn how yo communicate the internet is not so bad that's right I'm new to forums as well and how some of this works so bare with me please
step 3: Find a mentor..
so if anyone will be willing to help me throughout my entire second grow. That's right couldn't even use the first before it died last minute at end in assuming? That's why I found a way to communicate through this I don't feel 100 % nerve wrecked over thinking nothing but what can go wrong just 50/75% please some how private message me and I will be alerted I read these articles all day night try most can explain roughly throught I'm bright young man just need a little help understanding the concept then I can practice till I master it that's what I do with all my self projects the adhd wont let me stop no matter what till my mind is content and I can't explain how calming and much I love and respect that plant and what it does for so many things and people so I do alot of reading and studying I have thousands of questions' just need someone's advice with out a room sending my mind racing with ideas because ill try everyone of them..again so someone please help
ur in the right place if u need helpHello RIU community. I'm newly registered to this forum but have been following it for a while now. Currently on my third grow. I started out trying autos but didn't have much success with them. Could have been the genetics but I'm pretty sure other things factored in as well. I have since started growing regular plants and I am having far better results. I would like to say thanks to you all for the advice/knowledge you share with each of us and I look forward to growing with you.
once you become a more established member you can make a journal entry , post , make friends read things it'll come welcome to riuGood Morning from Lakewood Colorado.
I have had 1 prior grow about 14 years ago and started again in oct of this year. I have documented my grow and would like to put a grow journal when RIU deems me acceptable(i.e. when I don't get the error trying to add an entry).
- Having a blast following in my grandfathers footsteps. He was a farmer after the CC corps and grew hemp.
Welcome super spliff, Im new here too sorry to hear about your condition. The dude in the pic is snoop dog he's a rapper who broke out around 92 or so and has always been an advocate for smoking herbs. I too spent 11 yrs without messing around until a couple yrs ago my back went nuts on me not as severe as you but none the less painful. I believe the anti inflamitory properties in MJ help me out, enough said. what kind of boat do you sail? I presume you must be somewhere close to the ocean. I bet its really beautiful out on that water. I'll talk to you later Super the people on this site are very nice and helpful I admire you for reaching out to the community. Have a great day and hope all is well.I'm new here I guess. I have MS since 2007 and am maxxed out on my muscle relaxers so have started getting high again after many years of not touching anything. (ALL THE GOOD THAT DID, HUH?) Looking for relief from very stiff muscles and also 1 upper and 1 lower herniated discs. Just here to have some fun. The only things I take seriously are sailing and my medications and I do occasionally miss doses but I never miss sailing. If someone could take the time to show me how to add a signature at the bottom of this, I would really appreciate it. I have no idea who this guy in picture is but I like the words. Gets me all teary eyed. I look forward to meeting some people. Thanks!!!!!!
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I couldn't agree more there are so many different applications for MJ that its really quite impressive. US gov should pull their heads outta their asses and figure this shit out but I guess Lilly, Phizer, and all those other pharmaceutical companies have more power than the citizens sad thing really.Super spliff welcome!! I too am a new member and actually first time posting pics and asking for support. Feels so good to share with people who understand the beauty and importance of it all. Quick story about me. My wife is a beautiful woman and she has very thin skin on her hands and they breaks out at times. So one day we saw this show about how cannibis is the cure!!?? So i say babe try this!!! And from that point on she has had no sign of the problem, the doc./specialist Didn't know what the problem was!! They prescribed her lotion at $45 a pop for 3year. I found the cure for what ever it is she has!! (sorry babe) people have too know.