Hi all I need a help with my first grow...
I planted blue cheese seed a week ago in 14" pot in miracle gro moisture control mixed with perlite and I ve been keeping it under 36W fluoroscent lap but today upgraded to cfl 125W with reflector... my plant is a little bit small ( 1inch

) but i hink that from today it will start growing propely...
I ve got another 2 seeds in a germination procces and I am going to plant them tomorrow or as soon as they sprout out... can I use the same soil MGMCC or should I change it to any other soil...
Thanks for any answers... can attach pictures later
Well....you may have started with a little smaller container than a 14" pot, it won't kill your plant, this one is going to take a while now. Most of us start with a small container, less than a liter, my starter would have fit in a 2" pot. You will not need the big light yet, it will be overkill, escpecially if by 36 watt floro you mean cfl. That little plant is going to be busy trying to fill that 14" pot with some roots for a while, you may even consider transplanting it something smaller now. I would recommend you invest in SeeMoreBudsBook, he explains, with pictures how important contained early root growth is, harvests 8oz of dried bud from 3 female plants, well known in this forum. I bought one at Barnes and Nobles, its in the garden section, $16.95 + tax, lots of relavent information. He used the Miracle Grow, after starting his seedling, only watered the plants, no nutes or sauces were added, several threads here that discuss the book.
durbandudehey all
just dropping a line to say hi - love the site - love the info - love growing weed and decided it's time for my own grow space. I'll be starting a thread sometime soon and would appreciate any input - thanks in advance!
Tanis83Sup all
Hello all,
just reg'd here.
Hoping to get some help with ma new box

skyman25hi everyone noob here fantastic site sooooooooo helpful.geomada big hi to everybody!
i'm 50 days 12/12
and everything is going great!
The Hippies Were Righthello
Hi I am a noob pretty much and would love some info I have a thread in grow journal.
NO, The hippies are still right, that hasn't changed.
Welcome all of you, the best way to get help is to start a journal and link it in your signature, share your plan, pictures are almost required, we like pictures, a picture is like a thousand words. Thanx for the pictures, sorry I will need a new name for you I can't repeat that one. lol VV