Welcome New Members!

I am Sylvia just another smoker from nowhere land..trying out her first grow. I am taking my plants from outside to inside is this a type of growing? I just don't really want the outside for the obvious reasons...and i havent had the money to invest in lights yet which i do plan on doing sometime but in the meantime is what i'm doing okay?
just want to say to people of the uk , PLEASE PLEASE DONT VOTE CONSERVATIVE! actually get up and vote lib dems because if conservative get in then we are all going to have to pay a shit load more taxes (unless your rich) i know that its an annoying thing to say but believe me if they get in again you will have regretted not voting or voting them . peace (: on another note 3 green spirit , 1 northern soul,1white widow ,1 g13 and 1 vanilla kush going into flowering very excited . first time grower so if anyone has any tips for flowering that might be useful it would be really appreciated. remember dont vote the fat greedy torys!
hello all, newbie here waitin on stealth grow closet, been surfin for advice, look forword to startin journal with a supercloset del from superclosetdotcom checked out jonnyblunt88 glad to hear from any users!
I am not ready to grow just yet gotta wait on my flat situation to sort itself out, however i am here to find out what i need and how to get it all going so if anyone has any help or info that they wanna share it will be greatly appriciated.
Hey everyone!
I am a total noob when it comes to growing.
My first attempt I started off in January with 6 seeds.
I germinated, planted in small containers, re-potted into 6" pots and ended up with 5 female plants.
I am now down to 3, and they aren't really budding.
I used potting soil, distilled water, and the grow lights from Home Depot.
All of the plants look like they have nutrient burn, but I'm not feeding them anything but water.

Anyway, I have been looking at the hydroponics kit from S&H Hydroponics called "Bubbleponics".
I'm wondering if anyone has used it, and if it is worth the money to buy.
Here is a link to the kit I am talking about: http://www.stealthhydroponics.com/product.php?xProd=2&xSec=2

Thanks for any and all help!
new to all this butt have done research and i was planing on using 2 closets 1 for growing and 1 for

flowering....and plan on having 6 in 1 so 12:-o....i was planing on using a 400watt hps bulb in the

growing room and a 430 watt enhanced performance hps grow bulb(herd thz were really good for

flowering) butt read tht if your planing on growing 6 or less a 250 is best....butt i dnt c any

enhanced per. in 250 and to me the light bill isn't of concern so if i used 400 and 430 watt be good

or bad? noob so guide me in the right path plz:hump:
Whats up!

I'm new here, and new at growing, i've been cheking up this site and i fucking like it!
I have a few questions here i hope somebody can help..
And with farther research i'm plan on adding a 50watt LED 630nm people say its bad to use

in flowering butt all say its good for growing so is a 400watt hps and a 50watt LED 630nm

together sound good? new to this and want to know as much before i start so don't have

make noob mistakes
hey all new here just saying high....looking forward to getting info and sugestions
off you all.........have a small tent setup just waiting to get seed s
i was thinking of going with diesel ryder as my tent is short 60x60x120cm??

if there are any other strains you could keep short let me know thanks

have a 250hps and big fhd flouresent(the ones that fit into the reflector)

dont know what there called??

thanks for reading guys:eyesmoke:
Hello everyone, I am presently on my 3rd grow and am finding this to be too much fun. I hope I can help anyone out with my limited experience. I never claim to know it all but I may be able to give some help if anyone wants it. I am disabled and spend a lot of time researching and reading info on growing. glad to be here. I would like to know how to change my avatar. any help there?
hahaha hey im new and i just started growing my new plant...how much water should i give it b4 it germinates and how much sunlight should i give it???and how long should it take b4 the seeds sprout???
Hello to all. My name is plantdreams and I absolutely love to grow marijuana. Ive had 1 successful female(outdoors) 1 extremely large male(outdoors) and Im currently hoping my current plant will end up a female. Im sure Ill have many questions pertaining to Indoor growing seeing as how I am now considering it for privacy reasons. This place looks great! I live in South Texas right on the border so the outdoor sun is great. :)
Hello! i'm a newbie here at rollitup. I haven't posted anything yet, so i figured i would at least say hi. I currently have a small closet grow right now- nothing spectacular; just enough for some personal "medicine". I ordered a few seeds from the single seed center (http://www.worldwide-marijuana-seeds.com). 3 strains- The Church from Greenhouse seed company, and Pure Power Plant and Medusa, both from the Nirvana seed bank. I'm already into my second week of flowering, but have no pictures up yet (for lack of a decent camera). I currently only have 3 plants- all of which have been super-cropped using various methods (LST, topping, tying down), and are now under a 150 watt HPS in a SCROG setup; and using a combination of macro and micro-nutrients such as Kushie Kush, Moondust, and Foxfarm's Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom. I don't have any questions as of now, but I would love to answer any questions others may have regarding any type of growing. I'm looking forward to being a part of the RIU crew, and hope i can be of assistance to anyone in need, as i would hope you all would help me :-) I'll have some pictures up soon of my garden, until then, Peace and Love everyone.
hi im thinking about growing but i dont know how to get the lighting i need so i use a 75watt flood light and its very strong im wondering if that could grow one plant plz anyone let me know how or what to get to help my success rate
Good evening folks, looking forward to being able to contribute one day soon. I'm putting together my equipment for the time being. I'm using a tent with two 600w's. It's coming together slowly...I'm also a big fan of dirt and growing the organic way, it truly tastes that much better. So I plan on taking full advantage of the organic section. I'm really excited about putting together SubDudes soil recipe. Well, I'm kinda quiet because I'm a big believer in reading as much as you can and then asking questions. RIU, thank you for this wonderful website!! It's very very helpful.

