Sapphire here, newbie also... Found the forum after doing a search on growing. I sprouted a seed "just for fun" and now I feel like a new and unprepared mom!
Tons of info here, and I'm finding the journals to be just what I need for quick learning on how to grow... I might even start my own once she gets a little bigger and I've been around the block here a little more.
Anyway, great forum you got here, looking forward to making some friends! It's nice to be around so many fellow patients and smokers for a change...
Tons of info here, and I'm finding the journals to be just what I need for quick learning on how to grow... I might even start my own once she gets a little bigger and I've been around the block here a little more.
Anyway, great forum you got here, looking forward to making some friends! It's nice to be around so many fellow patients and smokers for a change...