Welcome New Members!

Sup folks, my name is Eric. Total noob here haha. This site looks like a great place for discussion and for tricks of the trade. Looking forward to posting here!
Sup folks, my name is Eric. Total noob here haha. This site looks like a great place for discussion and for tricks of the trade. Looking forward to posting here!

Hey Eric and Welcome to RollItUp (RIU) !! We hope that we can help you if need be in your grow(s) or whatever path you may wish to choose. There are a lot of members that are here to help out at the ready, should the need ever arise. All that we ask from you when and if you do, is to post as much info and pics (if possible). In that way, we can see and help you out without all the BS of asking questions.

In the meanwhile, look around, and kick-back. Looking for some great posts and pics as they develop.
Happy Holiday Trails !!
The MaineYankee :-)
Peace, Everyone im a noob when it comes to growing but an OG when it comes to smokin, ready to start growing sometime in the near future, I've been reading a lot of post on this forum as well as others I'm starting to get a mental picture of the setup I want to start with, until I know exactly what I want to do I'll be reading reading reading the many informative posts here ---- ..Over and Out, TheMechanic.. --
Welcome to RollItUp Mechanic !! I too when I first started on here of all of the valuable info that this site has. That, combined with all of the help that I have received, has def made my grow that much better.
Looking very forward in seeing some posts from you, along with some pics if possible. In the meanwhile, sit back, and enjoy reading the many posts on here.

Happy Holiday Trails !!
The MaineYankee :-)
I'm new and on my first grow. first run is auto AK47, auto BCN Diesel, and Black Diesel. I have a DWC setup in a turnkey cab. I'm using the lucas system now it seems to be working. I ordered some oxy blast to keep my roots healthy. and i have all the toys like a green LED head Lamp for checking out the ladies when they are sleeping and a pocket microscope as well as other things.mycab2.jpgmycab.jpg
feel free to give me any advice. I will put some pics of my lady's as well.

400wMH.jpgauto ak47.jpgauto bcn diesel.jpgautoak47.jpgbcn diesel.jpgbcn diesel auto.jpgblack diesel.jpgblack diesel 2.jpgblack diesel 3.jpgtop.jpg
Hey all, I've been browsing the forums a lot recently and thought I'd join in. Thanks to the great well of tips and guides posted I finally decided to take a stab at growing my first plant :-D

Here it is day 3 and day 5:
Have an mh 600 bulb and ballast....gonna put some organic soil together....perlite foxfarms some dudes gonna give me some white widow seeds....My boyfriend did all this before...but I watched.....I have to read up....how do i friend you?