Welcome New Members!

New here been lurking for quite some time just started first grow (bagseed) plan to move to larger grow but need to get a feel for growing herb.
Hey y'all I'm a newbie to this site to indoor growing and to this phone I'm using to get on here...so bear with me while I learn all three at the same time. Have a great day...a Happy New Year and happy growing. Dluck
Hey everyone. Pretty now to everything. On my 3rd round now and having a few problems but that another post. Just wanted to stop in and say I'm looking forward to learning an ton and having fun along the way.ahh so many stoned conversations to come:bigjoint:
sup, i'm from portugal and I'm starting my first grow on March!
I have yet to decide if i'm going for indoor or outdoor, probably a stealthy pc case indoor, prolly not the best decision cuz my family does not tolerate any sort of drugs, but I want to stay near my grow!
Hey there, I'm new here. Also a new grower, I work in a local Hydroponic store that my friend owns in my town. I just wanted to introduce myself here as I made my profile today. I look forward to checkig out the site and further learning how to grow some super sweet Mj!
Hi all!
I'm new here
My thing is smoke in my bong I and enjoy my classical music! I do that one time per week, I love it!
Love to talk about life, and trying to be openminded. And music! Music is one of the most amazing things in the world
I love to discuss marijuana experiences too

Hey hey what's up! Just started my first grow a week ago. So far it had been starved for light and started stretching. I have corrected that, but I'm not sure if it got stressed out. I started in a foam cup in the window but it was rainy for a few days and stretched. I put it under a reg 150w light bulb and surrounded it with foil. Seems to have worked. However I transplanted it to a bigger pot 2 days ago and had it outside in the sun, it seemed much healthier. I put it back in my "area" under light though I changed to a 120 cfl and it seems to be loosing color in the leaves now. I think the difference in lighting has it confused...any ideas?
Hi all, i've made a few posts and stuff without coming here, feels kinda like i've started talking without introducing myself!

Well i've been smoking bud for about 6 or so years now, many people i know either treat me like some kind of druggo, or see me as a source of "free cones". I mainly smoke as part of my own meditation...
I also am an extreme electronics geek, and have always been fascinated with "how stuff works" - not a reference to their site by the way. Since my smoking of weed, my electronic knowledge has skyrocketed, mainly due to smoking weed, then geting interested in something and studying it up so i know how it works.

I have attempted four grows in the past, all failed and were judged heavily by those i used to know in the "weed discussion" forum on "Facepunch".
The first grow was a windowsill grow, but it died (along with it's tomato plant 'cover') due to the pot being invaded by tiny white mites.
Second grow was under 2 23W CFLs in a cardboard box lined with foil. The plant grew its 3rd set of leaves before succumbing to the same mite problem. An added note: there were ants present aswell, related?
Third time i upgraded my box with additional lights, and a water pump. Tried going full hydro, but that failed miserably: the seedling popped up, then keeled over.
My fourth attempt was a plant in a small pot on my bedside table: It was under a CFL desk lamp, and i literally woke up and went to bed with my plant, weird i know, but it was my most successful grow, i managed to get the plant to it's 5th set of leaves before the stem stretched too much, then snapped under it's own weight...

So now i have come here after "giving up" on growing these past few years. I've studied the mistakes i made, and decided on a proper cab build with plenty of lights, fans, and ultimately a semi-sealed "mite-proof" cab where i can really contest my skills on growing ganja.

I really want to grow, mainly to cut my cost of buying bud, but also because growing weed was definitely a fun and semi-addictive hobby, and i feel given the time and my fair share of fail (which i have had quite a bit!), that i can too become one of these Mr. Ganjas i keep seeing around RIU :-)

So hello everybody! You'll be seeing more of me in the future, and feel free to ask me any questions about electronics, i know quite a lot! (my goal is to make my own automated "weed growing robot" in the future!)
Hey what's up you'll new here an got some cool advise as well i i help as well when can..thank an ttys….
Hello everyone,

Been a smoker since the late '70s, yeah I'm getting old. Started bag seed with mixed results in the mid '80s then moved on to "purple skunk". Been enjoying the great variety available from the internet for about 10 years now.

Just put some seeds down to germinate today and stumbled onto this site after a google search about the strain I'm germinating, feminized Jazz from Dr Greenthumb. Looks like there is all kinds of great info here. Thanks for putting it all up for easy access. Things were alot different back in the day, trial and error...
Hello all!
Been a member of this site since i was in high school doing my first grow. unfortunately i was dumb and had to end the operation due to security.
BUT! now I am back...older and wiser ;)
About a week ago I was trolling around Craigslist looking to reinvest in the hobby when i came across a guy who was selling 2 BC northern lights producers.
I did a ton of research on them, know the pros and cons, and was able to take both producers off his hands for 1750 plus a few small trades.
I'm very enthusiastic about restarting this hobby, i love the community here and look forward to learning endless amounts of information.
I think i might even start a grow journal, stay tuned!
Hello everyone! I'm a relatively new grower, with my first crop being harvested last October. I'm wanting to have another go it this year, but I'm definitely still in need of guidance. Last season's plant that actually yielded was given to me by my uncle, and was already about 1.5 feet tall on the day that I put it in the ground. That being said, I'm gonna need some helpful tips getting my plants from being just germinated, to around that tall.

A few more important factors:
- I'm starting them in my bedroom.
-No money for fancy growing supplies, basically just lighting
-Need to know an inexpensive, natural growing medium that I could find in TN

Thanks alot!
-Need to know an inexpensive, natural growing medium that I could find in TN

Thanks alot!

Hey Knowuh,

There are many products you can buy that won't flatten your wallet too much.

On the total free side, I've used topsoil dug straight from the ground and put that in pots/buckets. Arond here there is a layer of clay beneath the rich topsoil which I don't use. I often take a bucket with me into the woods or near swamp/bogs and fill it up with shovel loads from several different spots. I also compost with a compost tumbler and just love the final product it puts out.
Nice job..i am about to purchase a grow tent ...i dont understand the hps and the clfs bulb ..can you explain it to me please .. is it for sprouting then seedlings then adult stage?? do i need that many bulbs? also ...the smell?? did you use the carbon fan forced filter on your outlet? and i am wondering if i should purchase all the suggested inlet and outlet fans . and bells and whistles so to speak.lol ..or will it grow with the grow light and water and a fan hanging inside ?? :) ....also ...do you have an automated water system ? lots of questions :) if you can ...thanks
Nice job..i am about to purchase a grow tent ...i dont understand the hps and the clfs bulb ..can you explain it to me please .. is it for sprouting then seedlings then adult stage?? do i need that many bulbs? also ...the smell?? did you use the carbon fan forced filter on your outlet? and i am wondering if i should purchase all the suggested inlet and outlet fans . and bells and whistles so to speak.lol ..or will it grow with the grow light and water and a fan hanging inside ?? :) ....also ...do you have an automated water system ? lots of questions :) if you can ...thanks

Hope this helps... http://howtogrowmarijuana.com/ Should tell you all you need... please rep and like this comment if ya know how to :p