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Well-Known Member
Snipsnip, seriously, you need to kick back. You posted at 7:24, 7:26, and 8:07. Try having a little patience. This is a message board, not an instant message. I odn't know if you're trying to be rude, but it's coming off that way.


Well-Known Member
snipsnip - yeah, you screwed up big time. The plant needs those leaves to live and thrive. Some people believe in cutting off the bottom leaves when the plant gets older, but what you did ... big time screw up all right. I never cut off leaves unless they're dying, which for me, is extremely rare. Better luck next time.


Active Member
Wikidbchofthewst is a genius, just the right info. Thanx.
Now, what about the flowering lighting?
$400 for a HID is out of the question.


Well-Known Member


Active Member
seeds in th U.S.? i'd like to know that too. you gotta get them from Canada, UK, or Holland. there in lays the problem. Dutch are good, Canada is too but seem to be closer watched lately. UK i don't know about. try dutch-seeds.com. they're small but really good.


Active Member
What's Up
I am new here and so far I really like the site.... I've seen a lot of good info so far.... I am growing some plants that were given to me from a friend.... This is my first time working doing this so I kinda have no Idea what I'm doing...lol... So Far I have a 400 watt Lamp and a hydroponic system... My plants aren't quite ready to move to the system yet but I was wondering.... My friend has already cropped his plants of the same seeds and it was really dry dry dry bud..... How could I avoid this and get really sticky icky icky buds.... I have Pot of Gold White Widow and Bubba Cush.... Any help would be awesome... I would say the plants are about 7 inches high rite now... Thanx for the help in advance...


Well-Known Member
Wikidbchofthewst is a genius, just the right info. Thanx.
Now, what about the flowering lighting?
$400 for a HID is out of the question.
You can use the CFL's for flowering as well. I know not everyone does it, but if you're talking about doing this for the least amount of money, that's your ticket.

I'm telling you, get that book. It's in the TITLE: Marijuana Buds for Less: Grow 8 oz. of bud for less than $100. He uses CFL's through the whole grow, and manages to yield 8 oz.


Well-Known Member
Would it be possible to grow 3 or 4 plants in a 6 squar foot closet?
Sure it would and welcome to the forum. What you would want to do is to read some journals from folks that started doing what you are thinking about doing. Pick a few that are close to the size you have and see how they did it, many have included pictures, we almost require it, particularlly if you want good answers to your questions. VV:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
My friend has already cropped his plants of the same seeds and it was really dry dry dry bud..... How could I avoid this and get really sticky icky icky buds....
If it's grown properly, you'll have sticky buds, no need to worry about that. I suggest your friend did not do so, if, as you say, at harvest time his buds were not sticky.


Active Member
Well, it looks like you guys really know what your talking about. I love this full of information. Im starting my first grow soon and all your info. has helped me very much thank you.


Well-Known Member
hello everone i am just putting my foot into the feild of growing i have a 3x3 ebb and flo and a hydro hut can i get some help on how many plants i can do in this kind of system


Well-Known Member
best of luck on all you grows and welcome to the forums!
questions? check the GrowFAQ and do a search in the forums first, if you can't find answers, make a new post and ask!


Well-Known Member
whats up i am trying to grow myself and i have alot of room, lights, and a hydro hut with a 3x3 tray any advice on how to start would be great!!


Well-Known Member
Just a thought that might help you ... I have found that one of the easiest ways for beginners to tell if a plant is a male is to look for 'bananas.' These are quite obvious when they develop and really do look similar to a banana 'bunch.' With more experience you will be able to tell earlier, but this is a very useful method for someone who is not quite sure what to look for. Good luck to you.


Well-Known Member
matth82003 said: I've got a couple of questions:

1) If my plant doesn't have any female nodes, I'm guessing it's gonna give me seeds in return. Do I germinate those seeds and start from scratch?

Incorrect. Seeds are produced in the female plant after being pollinated by a male plant. (You are not the first person who thinks that seeds come from males; I've read it on this site a few times, but I sure don't know who came up with that one!) There is an exception to this, which is the hermaphrodite (a plant with both female and male characteristics) but that is for another discussion.

2) ... My main question is, would it be advisable to use FLs for the plant's whole life cycle from germinating to harvesting.

Let's put it this way, it can be done. Advisable? No, but if that's all you have then that's all you have.

Keep in mind that fluorescents are only effective for a short distance. This means that, if you're using them all the way through, you have to switch to bloom while the plants are still quite small. If it were me and fluorescents were all I had, I would veg them to no more than 6 inches. It's your choice, but taller doesn't necessarily mean better. If you don't have adequate lighting to cover the whole plant, yield suffers (among other things) and extra height does no good anyway. If you don't care to believe me, take a look around this site at all the tall, sparse looking 'trees' that won't produce any more bud than a much smaller plant with good lighting. Besides that, you'll finish much quicker also as your veg time is greatly reduced with smaller plants. Your call.