Hi everyone, I,m a newbie to this web site and I am tring to get some pointers from some of you more experieanced inside dirt farmers.
So here is whats going on in my world
I have some plants that are growing under a 1000 watt haloid.
They are in miricle grow soil and I added some extra whats the name of that little white foam stuff you mix with soil so it does not clump up,? not that I thought miricle grow would just wanted a little extra for root movement.
Anyways my plants get 12 on and 12 off, they were germinated starting on NOV-19-08 so they are around a little over 6 weeks old now.
They are in 2 1/2 galon buckets with good vents on the bottom.
The plants have started to show white hairs, I cut the lights from 14 on to 11 off to 12-12 and I did it over 4 days 1 hour at a time.
Now my plants seem to have slowed way down. is this normal?
How much bud growth shold there be eac day.
I water 1 pint then wait 2 days and water again on the following day.
I was using 1 1/2 tsb. of miricle grow plant food and 1 1/2 tsb. of bloom booster, but I,ve went back to straight water in fear of putting in to much neuts and burring things.
I keep the room at 75 to 80 and I keep a indirect fan turning the air above
I had the fan where the leafs would slightly move in the breeze because I read that smakes the branches stronger. Now that they are budding I took the han off the leafs...
I'm sure Im not doing everything wrong and I've been told I have a green thumb, I just want to do better and make sure this extra light bill I'm paing on the lights is gonna be al worth it
Here are a few pics.
Oh yeah you will all probably think I toked a big one when you get a look at my newest invention that I would like some feed back on,, I call it pot-a-pussy
what you are looking at is my 400 watt light that is not being used right now.
So I have converted it temp into a CO2 tent so while my babbies are asleep 4 at a time can spend the night in the tent that is air tight sorta and the homemade CO2 comes out of the hoses and gives the plants a blast of CO2,, like I said my plants have slowed WAY down in growing and I'm looking for ways to improve that.
How much should a person handle a plant, does it stress it to move it or should it be rotated every so often (how often?).
How many hours a day shold the plants have light.
At night it is pitch dark in the room (just thought I'd say that so you know there is no indirect light at night that might slow things down.
Ok as you al can read I need to talk with some people so thanks if you get back to me.
I have more questions plus I'd like to make sure that everything is growing the best it can.