Welcome New Members!

Hey whats going on? Well this is going to be my 1st time growing. Im a US vet dealing with PTSD and well i heard this may help me. Any help full hints? Thanks again
GDAY all..... newbie here..... I have clones that have rooted in rockwool cubes and have just placed the hole lot into coco fiber in a orchid pot. Running a turbo tank... but converted into drip feed, NEED A WATER SCHED for this stuff???? Constinant? Or on off 15mins, 15mins an hour, lights on lights off.....
I am running 400w - 4plants, drip, DUTCH GROW, super thrive, aussie magic grow juice. PH 5-6 -5-9. EC at 1.1-1.3
3 weeks in first grow!

QUESTION:NEED A WATER SCHED for coc fiber with rockwool starter cubes????
Question: is 30-34 degrees celcius too high ?
Have not got a humidity gauge yet..... but have water/ swap fan setup running.

Thanx .... make love not war
Hi, I have been a smoker for over 20 years I never really tryed to grow until late summer and I just put a couple of seed in a pot outside in my fenced in yard and by the end of the summer I had some large plants. I quickly found out what males looked like. I pulled them out but I think I was little too late. I ended up with some very harsh, seeded bud. Now for Christmas I got an aerogarden; I would like to try to grow in that. I am so tried of relaying on friends and one dealer that hasn't called my back in over 2 weeks. I had off of work for 4 days and could not find any. I go back to work tomarrow; what a shitty Holiday. I 'm not sure what typr of nutrients to use in the water, what is the first sign of a male plant and any other advice would be helpful.
hi i have a 24"x48" fluorescent 4 bulb fixture, can i use it to grow 4 plants. and what kind of bulbs will be best :?:

I wouldn't. The floro's you have will work for vegging your plants for the first two weeks or so, the will comsume about 160 watts and are not a concentrated light source, I used to put that over 12 plants that were vegging for as long as 6 weeks, I was slow growing them on purpose.
You should take a look at some of the journals that have been posted that talk about how they used cfl's (Compact Flourescents Light's). They are a more concentrated light source than the 4' floro's so the same amount of energy can be directed to the plants, not the rest of the room, and by adding a few more when you are ready to flower you can get some decent result.
If you find you can afford to spend more on light's, you can always use the cfl's for your clones. VV
Hi, I have been a smoker for over 20 years I never really tryed to grow until late summer and I just put a couple of seed in a pot outside in my fenced in yard and by the end of the summer I had some large plants. I quickly found out what males looked like. I pulled them out but I think I was little too late. I ended up with some very harsh, seeded bud. Now for Christmas I got an aerogarden; I would like to try to grow in that. I am so tried of relaying on friends and one dealer that hasn't called my back in over 2 weeks. I had off of work for 4 days and could not find any. I go back to work tomarrow; what a shitty Holiday. I 'm not sure what typr of nutrients to use in the water, what is the first sign of a male plant and any other advice would be helpful.

Welcome to our forum, Parrot. We actual have a subforum for Aerogardens you will want to check in there. It will be easy to identify the males before it's neccessary usually around two weeks of flowering light and that information is posted here as well.
As far as the nutrients are concerned I tend to go with what the local shops are using, they know what is working in your area. VV

eza82GDAY all..... newbie here..... I have clones that have rooted in rockwool cubes and have just placed the hole lot into coco fiber in a orchid pot. Running a turbo tank... but converted into drip feed, NEED A WATER SCHED for this stuff???? Constinant? Or on off 15mins, 15mins an hour, lights on lights off.....
I am running 400w - 4plants, drip, DUTCH GROW, super thrive, aussie magic grow juice. PH 5-6 -5-9. EC at 1.1-1.3
3 weeks in first grow!

QUESTION:NEED A WATER SCHED for coc fiber with rockwool starter cubes????
Question: is 30-34 degrees celcius too high ?
Have not got a humidity gauge yet..... but have water/ swap fan setup running.

Thanx .... make love not war

Welcome eza, you will want to start bumping up the ec, for early veg growth and starting flowering around 1.8 for coco-coir, going up to 2.4 by the 6 week flowering mark.
The only medium that holds more water the coco-coir is rockwool. You would be fine with once a day for 5 minutes if you get runoff with that from your drip system, the time you water depends on the power of your pump. During your flowering stage you may wish to bump that up to 2 times a day, an hour after lights on and 2 hours before lights off. Do not water the cube once your plants have set root in the coco-coir.
Ideal temp is 28c, 30 to 40 will give you slow growth and promote other problems for your plants, especailly if the humidity is above 50% and you need a hygrometer to find out what that is before you put a swamp cooler in there. Warmer air holds a lot more water than cool air does, thats we we get dew in the morning.
This all sounds like you have a little research to do, you probably need some air handling in your room. VV

Awb17xHey whats going on? Well this is going to be my 1st time growing. Im a US vet dealing with PTSD and well i heard this may help me. Any help full hints? Thanks again

Welcome Awb, sorry to hear about your problem, it is a shame and the Government doesn't seem to care. We do, start a journal and put PSTD in the title, I am willing to bet you will find lots of help here at rollitup. If you put your state in there somewhere, I will quarantee you will get help. VV

Happy Holidays Everyone, wikid thanks for your help all of this year, and all of the others that have helped throughout the year, I apprecaite you too, she answers the most asked question, How do I start a Thread and she includes posting picture's. We like picture's lmao. VV
VV Your a champ..... Have had the drippers off now for around 16hrs.... drying it out a alittle. Tomorrow night I will start the new cycle of once a day for 15mins. ( for around 50mls ??)
Just bumped the EC to 1.8 and running ph of 5.8- Nearly had to double nutes...... it is going into week 4 though.
REP + how ever you do it!:bigjoint:

Q: And I still having trouble with temp.... sits around 30-32 degrees celcius is this going to be a problem ??And how can i get it down WITH OUT a A/C? :wall:
how do i post a thread on this new homepage??

You go to the forum you want to post in and click the "Post New Thread" button.

If you're still using the new skin it's on the right hand side, above the part that says Page 1 of 235730

If you want to change back to the old skin, go to My Rollitup, on the left under Your Control Panel click Edit Options, then end page to Forum Skin, select blzin-07 and save.
VV Your a champ..... Have had the drippers off now for around 16hrs.... drying it out a alittle. Tomorrow night I will start the new cycle of once a day for 15mins. ( for around 50mls ??)
Just bumped the EC to 1.8 and running ph of 5.8- Nearly had to double nutes...... it is going into week 4 though.
REP + how ever you do it!:bigjoint:

Q: And I still having trouble with temp.... sits around 30-32 degrees celcius is this going to be a problem ??And how can i get it down WITH OUT a A/C? :wall:

To answer that question, I would need to know the geographic area, and everything you have running in the growing area you are using. I live in Michigan, I have to heat my area in the winter and air condition it in the summer. It is a stand alone type structure at the back of the garage.
Many times we find a lack of all of the necessary air handling systems, it has three main ingedients, intake and exhaust, ocsillating fan (s), and a seperate air cooling system for any high powered (HID) lights.
What you should do is start a Journal, I haven't mentioned it in awhile, we have a contest of sorts running involving Journals, without possible extensions it is open until sometime in January I believe, Garden Knome (aka SeeMoreBuds) is heading that one up. It's your journal, tell your story, including pictures in a must, and will help someone that is 3 weeks behind you, it sounds like you have already made some improvements.
Give the details especailly what you have done so far to control temp, and yes you will need to repeat your medium, system for hydro etc.
You may find some experts that live in your state? that would be able to tell you exactly what they have to do. VV:blsmoke:
You go to the forum you want to post in and click the "Post New Thread" button.

If you're still using the new skin it's on the right hand side, above the part that says Page 1 of 235730

If you want to change back to the old skin, go to My Rollitup, on the left under Your Control Panel click Edit Options, then end page to Forum Skin, select blzin-07 and save.

Thanx for that, once again wikid shine's thru.:bigjoint: I didn't notice the rep was gone or different, the blzin-07 fits my old screen. I just found out if you quote some one all posts that were there before you respond get moved down so your response will be right below what your quoting.
I think I might like the other way better, I am not sure. I do see advantages to both, one is people tend to read all of those new post if my reply is at the end of the thread. The advantage to that is that several experienced growers have introduced themselves here, come back to view a response, read thru the other questions, and helped a new grower out immediatly. Maybe they will still read the other posts anyway, so it might not be all that different??
I hope I am not just getting to set in my ways? VV:lol:
wow, I have special powers, I can qoute you befre you post wikid, what is up with that, must have been the discussion in stoney thread.
:weed: Hi everyone, I,m a newbie to this web site and I am tring to get some pointers from some of you more experieanced inside dirt farmers.
So here is whats going on in my world
I have some plants that are growing under a 1000 watt haloid.
They are in miricle grow soil and I added some extra whats the name of that little white foam stuff you mix with soil so it does not clump up,? not that I thought miricle grow would just wanted a little extra for root movement.
Anyways my plants get 12 on and 12 off, they were germinated starting on NOV-19-08 so they are around a little over 6 weeks old now.
They are in 2 1/2 galon buckets with good vents on the bottom.
The plants have started to show white hairs, I cut the lights from 14 on to 11 off to 12-12 and I did it over 4 days 1 hour at a time.
Now my plants seem to have slowed way down. is this normal?
How much bud growth shold there be eac day.
I water 1 pint then wait 2 days and water again on the following day.
I was using 1 1/2 tsb. of miricle grow plant food and 1 1/2 tsb. of bloom booster, but I,ve went back to straight water in fear of putting in to much neuts and burring things.
I keep the room at 75 to 80 and I keep a indirect fan turning the air above
I had the fan where the leafs would slightly move in the breeze because I read that smakes the branches stronger. Now that they are budding I took the han off the leafs...
I'm sure Im not doing everything wrong and I've been told I have a green thumb, I just want to do better and make sure this extra light bill I'm paing on the lights is gonna be al worth it
Here are a few pics.
Oh yeah you will all probably think I toked a big one when you get a look at my newest invention that I would like some feed back on,, I call it pot-a-pussy
what you are looking at is my 400 watt light that is not being used right now.
So I have converted it temp into a CO2 tent so while my babbies are asleep 4 at a time can spend the night in the tent that is air tight sorta and the homemade CO2 comes out of the hoses and gives the plants a blast of CO2,, like I said my plants have slowed WAY down in growing and I'm looking for ways to improve that.
How much should a person handle a plant, does it stress it to move it or should it be rotated every so often (how often?).
How many hours a day shold the plants have light.
At night it is pitch dark in the room (just thought I'd say that so you know there is no indirect light at night that might slow things down.
Ok as you al can read I need to talk with some people so thanks if you get back to me.
I have more questions plus I'd like to make sure that everything is growing the best it can.:leaf:


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fresh outta New Zealand!
its my first crack at growing marijuana, ;)
All seemz well with my beauties!

p e a c e . l o v e . t r a n q u i l i t y
hey what's up everyone new to the site and new to trying to grow my own any advice on what i need or books i can read. I have a thread posted under the introduce yourself section but basically i have a walk in closet 4x4x8 that i want to use someone said that htgsupply has a nice tent with everything for under $500 and as long as i stay under a grand im cool but if you guys have any other suggestions before i buy anything or what else i may need and where to get it all the help i can get would be great. And trust me when i say help i mean it from any termanolgy to whatever you can think of i would like to at least try it right the first time without wasting money you know what i mean. Thanks alot my fellow smokers and growers!
Welcome steadyed!
nice start you got going on for sure , im not the most informed but depending on strain and many other factors define ur buds .
1 thing i will say is they will need to adjust to the new light schedule , now think of how fast they grey before with just leaves stems etc . . now its gonna be creating somethin new , so give it some time , make sure they dont dry out as they wiull be thirstier i presume.
Maybe try giving the nutes a go again, remember flowering ratios change!
Lots of lords of soil here tho man , they will be the best folk for ideas on weening back into nutes ( i dont see why not considering you've still got most of your flowering to do .
If you think the light itsnt getting as deep into some plants as others maybe give lollipopin a go??
Whatever the case , youve done allot better that allot of folks - and remember mistakeds must be made to learn from them . . i just preffer some1 else to make them haha.

Sure you'll find all the answers you need.
Hey guys and ladies. I am new of course. I fell into a great situation in which I have all the resources needed as well as a great G-spot (grow spot, haha). I wanna do a journal or at least post pics, etc. and get some advice. I am getting ready to harvest numero uno and I am a little nervous ( like when you are fifteen yrs. old and some hottie is getting her gear out so that you can penetrate her properly!). Ill graciously accept any advice. Thanks in advance.:leaf:


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Okay, while I have some time I want to go ahead and get these pics up. My 1st grow (above) was some bag seed, not great genes. This one has considerably better genetics. I think that it is Train Wreck (local, I think) or Sour Diesel, not too worried about that b/c this is my experimentation phase.

Setup: 5'/8' space, 5 fixtures w/ 10 linear fluoros (1/2bright, 1/2 gro lux), 1 CFL, and 2 round fluoros. 1 fan, 1-14 gal reservoir, 1-1 gal reservoir, 1 dehumidifier (key, very key), 2 small H2O pumps, Hanna Inst. pH meter (sweet), Organic soil mixture w/ perlite and verniculite. Thats about it! Fortunately for me I only had to buy about 1/2 the bulbs, a few fixtures and some incidentals. Mom-in-law was a fanatic gardener (obviously)


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Well, I guess the 1st thing that I need to clear up is: If anyone has the time to look at the pics of my 1st grow and has advice on harvest time, do tell. going on what I know, my guess is 3-5 weeks out still. Of course I may be wrong, thats why I am here. I am judging by: A. 30-40% of hairs have turned amber. I know that can mean nothing in some strains in correlation with harvest. However, I have been told that trichomes forming and changing color is more reliable. In person those trichs looked amber tinted, as they do not so much in the pics. I am sure that I sound like I am way over-thinking all of this but really it is a pretty laid back operation. Thank you all in advance and.....oh its 4:16 and I just happen to be sitting on the couch already, later.:bigjoint:
pics: to show volume of trichs
indica or sativa, mostly?


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hows it going everybody? Im sure there are threads about this but, I was hoping somebody could help me come up with a cheap, effective set-up to start growing in the closet:leaf: