Right now I would say probably two stages, the one they are in now and then will come the death stage if you don't stop drowning your plants. Your plants need some oxygen down there in that root zone and they ain't gettin any right now. Overwatering is the number one problem for new growers. Number 2 is underwatering. You are not under watering, good job with that, just about everything else you have is wrong, you are not underwatering though.
Your plant isn't jumpin out of the pot, its looking for more light, stretchin for it, and of course as you found out, its not strong enough, because it can't breath, your drowning it, so you have to prop it up. You are going to need more light or they are not going to make it, even if you quit drowning them. Of course you could end up with 3 females and the fact that all of the roots will be bound together in that one pot will not matter, any males, you are screwed.
Now before you call me any more names, I really do know that you want to do this right, you have a lot of reading to do, and since your plants are not going to need any water for at least 3 days, you have time to do it now. Read through a few journals that have been posted in the forum, a couple about 6 months old should be a big help to you. We want to help you, lord knows you need it right now. And did I mention thanx for the pictures, we like pictures, and did I mention, quit drowning your plants. VV