What up everyone. I am just started my first grow on Friday and have already already learned from all you guys on rollitup. Thanks for all the posts. I think I am going to start my own grow journal next.
Alright I have never done this growing before and set out on some research. I got some seeds and started the sprouting stage. Once i got the tails to a good length I took little plastic cups with Organic Seed starter mix. I placed them exactly as i was told in moist soil and placed under a grow light. I keept it on for 18hrs and off 6hrs. They did perfect with poping up and looking beautiful. Then 2days later they went blah. I know it wasn't over water nor under water. They are kept inside wich is climate control. I have some more seedlings sprouting soon so I need to know how to not kill them.
Welcome strangerJust saying hi. I live here now, so if you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie and wipe the seatie.