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I'm a medical patient growing for my first time. I really enjoy reading all the helpful topics on this forum so I decided to join. So far I've encountered spider mites and seem to have them under control or dying off enough to where they aren't repopulating as fast as they can. I've been using 91% isopropyl at a 25-30% mixture with RO water, misting every week, in between this I mist them with just RO water and a small amount of the anti-wilt spray for cloning. I seems to put a waxy coat the plants love it.
What i did notice was outside there are small bugs on my plants that are small black and hop or fly from leaf to leaf. They don't appear to be a fly but more like a small very small june bug? Anyone have any ideas, I frequently hose the plant down and they don't seem to be hurting it.
I use the euro grower, love it added an air stone to the tank and modified the drip to a ring type with a little tubing and some tees I found at the pet store, along with an air pump. I used a heated drill bit to make the small hole for the drip rings. Also small 2 gallon buckets can be set on the top of the grow containers and you can drill holes in the outer edges so the water flows back into the system the tee off the nearest grow container and feed the 2 gallon buckets with these added lines. You can add 5 2 gallon buckets this way and use the same lighting. when then get large you can easily move them off the euro grower. A 400 watt air cooled reflector seems to do the area just fine. Good luck
I use the euro grower, love it added an air stone to the tank and modified the drip to a ring type with a little tubing and some tees I found at the pet store, along with an air pump. I used a heated drill bit to make the small hole for the drip rings. Also small 2 gallon buckets can be set on the top of the grow containers and you can drill holes in the outer edges so the water flows back into the system the tee off the nearest grow container and feed the 2 gallon buckets with these added lines. You can add 5 2 gallon buckets this way and use the same lighting. when then get large you can easily move them off the euro grower. A 400 watt air cooled reflector seems to do the area just fine. Good luck
When you say that when they get big enough you can move them off the euro grower?? Can you leave them on there so they grow more?? Do yo use soil in yours or rockwool?
Was looking for some baking recipes and stumbled in here when someone left the door open... :-P

Going to give it the ol green thumb try. Much obliged WHEN the time comes for the help, someone will be there.

Lately I've had so much trouble finding smoke....soooo, i've decided to grow my own and I've got bags and bags of seeds.

I came across this forum, and it seems like I might have some luck learning.
hey guys im starting my indoor grow and i have 20 clones so far half of them are kush and other half is white widow will 2 90w ufo's be enough for the veggies to grow.THANKS:peace:


my first time growing and im so confused please help... my friend gave me a plant that had started growing outside not sure of the strain ..but it looks pretty healthy and since ive had it it has started to flower. i am confused because when i got it, it had five fingered leaves ..but that has fallen off and all the other shoots only have leaves with 3 fingers..it smells good and looks pretty healthy but i dont want to waste my time on it if its not going to produce anything. if there is anything i can do to it like pruning? change lights? or just keep on doing what im doing cause it looks good please let me know

Dbud saying a quick hello! I have a couple girls growing indoors. I had a little problem with them a week ago, posted my problems and everyone was very quick and helpful with their responses. Turned out to be a Zinc/Iron deficiency. I used the Verde Growth Enhancer 16-1-2 from Humboldt Nutrients to supplement my Iguana Grow Juice and all is well now. Thanks!
If it started indoors, I would move it back in and put it on a light cycle of 12 on/12 off, maybe give it some flowering nutrients, as it's already in the budding process.
my plant is looking like a hermie but then this kid who grows often just said it was pollenated by bees or something like that and thats why its like that can i get some info on this??