Welcome New Members!

Hi there everyone. Glad to have found you. Been hanging around Yahooka and saw a link here so thought I'd hop over and check it out. You people are amazing. THANKS for sharing the information. How horrible the world would be without you! :) :) :) HUGGGGGG!

I'm sure I'll be asking tons of stupid questions. Really stupid. I bet I might even win a prize.

Mega grannie hugs to everyone.

The only stupid question is the one you never ask .. then fuck up :)
Alright guys, I am truly a new guy. I am new...obviously and I need help. I've checked the forum a LITTLE bit and I can't really find what I'm looking for. So I am growing indoors because one: I was going to plant in the swamp which is apart of my four acre land and that's 2 acres worth of swamp except that I don't think weed can grow in salt water. Two: It's winter and everything dies and like i said I don't know anything but I don't think weed is evergreen lol. Three: We have an airbase close by and they fly an Apache helicopter over the swamp to look for drugs! And that wouldn't bother me except that everything in the swamp is brown and a bright green pot plant wouldn't really blend in. So I decided to grow inside my attic. I have two seeds and I have no clue what they are. I live in Texas if that helps any its around 40 right now so that doesn't help much with light. But I did look up materials. I plan on buying an HPS? I think it's called, an HPS light sometime soon and some plastic black trays they use at Home Depot. I have a box fan that can run for 24 hours a day and I am going to buy a timer for the light. Another question, does painting the walls white of the growing space really help that much? I need some major help, Please PM me as it is much easier for me to remember haha.

1. in a small place HPS is ok but it will light your temps up like a Xmas tree when they do flyovers .. CFL's are great for small spaces and don't change your heat signature hardly at all ..
2. sounds like your on the right track for supply's ..
3. yes painting the walls flat white works wonders...it keeps the light reflecting around and helps your plants get more of the light deeper into them .. don't use tinfoil it causes heat spotting ..

think i got em all lol .. bongsmilie
Ok so I was just playing around and found some good organic soil and I found a seed. I put it in a planter and saw what happened..... It popped up. Know I don't know what to do. I found two clamp lights and two 125w spiral CFLs and I was just curious if they would help it grow?? I want to do it inside my closet.
Thank you to any response.
Ok so I was just playing around and found some good organic soil and I found a seed. I put it in a planter and saw what happened..... It popped up. Know I don't know what to do. I found two clamp lights and two 125w spiral CFLs and I was just curious if they would help it grow?? I want to do it inside my closet.
Thank you to any response.

lol of corse the lights will help keep them down about 2 or 3 inches from the top of the plant and you might want to as soon as it tosses out some branches to put a slow moving fan on it so it will strengthen its stalk but keep the lights close so it wont stretch out and fall over and die :).. i suggest you do some major reading of the threads here you will learn ALOT about the art of growing and good luck to you :) bongsmilie
K having problems transplanted my girls from a smaller system to a larger one 2 days ago. Growing 3 with a 150w hps(18/6) they are in 2 gallons of water with a air pump for a 15 gallon tank only using a spliter to 2 - 12" air stones(24/0) 7.5 ml of Pureblend ProGro and 5ml of Sweet. fan on 24/0 leaves look very healthy and green but they are starting to sag any suggestions? They just started showing these signs this morning.
K having problems transplanted my girls from a smaller system to a larger one 2 days ago. Growing 3 with a 150w hps(18/6) they are in 2 gallons of water with a air pump for a 15 gallon tank only using a spliter to 2 - 12" air stones(24/0) 7.5 ml of Pureblend ProGro and 5ml of Sweet. fan on 24/0 leaves look very healthy and green but they are starting to sag any suggestions? They just started showing these signs this morning.

probably stress because conditions changed a little give it a little time and will probably snap right out of it :)
if your not a weed smoker how will you ever know how good or how bad your final product is :shock: ... are you just a bored hobbist ??:? i knwo if you are doing it just to supliment your income you wont make much if your putting out BUNK and dont know it becuse you didn't sample it .. just a thought :wall:

I don't know about being bored but Hydroponics just seems like a fun hobbie to get into, I can smoke a little but there is high chance I will thro up I can always get mates to test it for me?
1. in a small place HPS is ok but it will light your temps up like a Xmas tree when they do flyovers .. CFL's are great for small spaces and don't change your heat signature hardly at all ..
2. sounds like your on the right track for supply's ..
3. yes painting the walls flat white works wonders...it keeps the light reflecting around and helps your plants get more of the light deeper into them .. don't use tinfoil it causes heat spotting ..

think i got em all lol .. bongsmilie
Another question for you Am I Nrml, or a few. Is it all right to grow it outside when its around 46 degrees and raining?...it will be gone in about a week but that's still awhile and thank you for telling me about the tin foil thing i was really looking into it, I guess I will grow it inside my closet since its a small space, white walls already. When I water it do I have to let the water drain out? or should I? I mean I read that everywhere but there's alot of new people just planting it and I'm not hearing anything about draining excess water. How big of a pot should I get? I need it to make it till summer so I can then plant it outside. Send me a URL of a pot or something from home depot or just google images please and thank you so much.
Hey all, just joined and i am just about to start growing some ganja dwarf lowrider seeds from amserdam in my basement. ive been told its a pretty simple plant to grow, but are there any suggestions that may help my first time process? i have a background in horticulture, but i grow turf, not pot plants. So i have a basic knowledge of plants. So i was just wondering if there were any tips out there to make my first time a success!! thanks so much, happy growing
Another question for you Am I Nrml, or a few. Is it all right to grow it outside when its around 46 degrees and raining?...it will be gone in about a week but that's still awhile and thank you for telling me about the tin foil thing i was really looking into it, I guess I will grow it inside my closet since its a small space, white walls already. When I water it do I have to let the water drain out? or should I? I mean I read that everywhere but there's alot of new people just planting it and I'm not hearing anything about draining excess water. How big of a pot should I get? I need it to make it till summer so I can then plant it outside. Send me a URL of a pot or something from home depot or just google images please and thank you so much.

i would personaly keep it inside till your going to get some decent temps with at least 65 to 70 degrees at night .. and one thing no one really covers on this site is that sometimes MJ doesn't like to be switched from inside to outside and vise versa ... I've had plants that was healthy as a horse drop dead practically overnight doing it ..
now for watering you want to just moisten the entire soil base not drown it in water .. my advise is water it slowly till it is just starting to come out the bottom and then stop .. its better to have to water more offen than to have it sitting in a muddy mess not being able to breath ..
Hey guys im Taylor I have been smoking for about 3yrs now and I gotta say I love it. I have 2 Roors a zumo and a streamroller i will have to post pics up of them. Keep tokinbongsmilie
hi i'm new

welcome to RIU feel free to jump in on any conversations you see fit just try to stick to the tread topics or they get kinda mad :) this is a great place to just hang out and talk with fellow stoners or gather some killer knowledge of cultivateing our favorite past time bongsmilie
hey im tony from vancouver wa. any people from around this area add me on RIU.. i just started growing 4 plants (trainwreck) i got a simple set up for the first time my box size is 2x2x3 everything coverd with foil seeds have sprouted they are in jiffys under a 85w compact fl have a homemade co2 container help me out to grow some dank bud for personal use :leaf: been smoking for 4 years and tiered of using my unemployment money on bud
Hi I am new to the site i just recived some seeds froman actually bank. but about 2 months ago i have came across a mystery seed in my bag so i have been expeirementing with that one before i plant any other i am very new to gardening and seem to have kept my plant alive i have no clue on the strain i got in the bad but i know i will be needing to advice and i sure could use some hint and tips i will be germinting my first bought seed in the next few days it is a SADHU from mandala so any help would me much appreciated

Thank You
im trying to find seeds to grow outdour because springs here in two months idk should i start in april or may?and how long is the hole prosses? :germinating,planting,growing,growing,and drying? 3 months 4 months what?how long would that take all together?:peace:bongsmilie:bigjoint: