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Active Member
Guys , dumbass question but im gonna throw it out to ya, what fan will i need for my 3x3x7 ft room???? all measurements are in metres so its what in cubic metres so i can get the right fan 1st time!!!!!??? im confused... and stoned....lol


Well-Known Member
That is how I have cracked all of my seeds for many years: 1 qt pot (no clear cups), seed starter soil, place ONE seed 6mm (1/4") below top of soil; place on window sill for heat. Keep seed moist by placing a few drops of water on the soil directly above it. Watch 'em grow! After they stand up straight, get them under a light at 18 on/6 off or so (veg under 42 w CFL 3" from top or 150 w metal halide UP HIGH or you will burn) with a small fan blowing on them. Transplant at approximately 3 leaf sets or 10 days. You will see the white whispy roots just barely reaching/circling the bottom of the soil ball when you transplant. They may slow down on growth because they devote the next few days energy to root development after any transplant. This is why I try to transplant only once, from seedling to final pot.
thanks man!


Well-Known Member
Also smoochie, any chance you could maybe ring the leaves on my pics (i dont know paint ? or something?) so i can see exactly which ones i should do?? or just a couple so i have to learn would be great!

Regards , TMS

Sure. Post a profile pic of each one, at her widest point, eye level to the camera, filling the shot, with something as a reference for scale (coin, measure, etc.). I will mark it up and repost it as I am sure this would help out many of the readers. I have been training/dwarfing many different plant types (citrus/deciduous fruit/vegetables/tropical fruit) in containers/gardens/orchards since a teen and it is easy to apply to the ladies. See the link below to see what I mean. The different basic forms are illustrated here for trees. Yes you too can have oranges, grapefruit, kumquats, lemons and limes on the same tree. Or not.


We are just a little more gentle with our girls, and they reward us for our doting.

There are a bunch of awesome LST threads on RIU, just run a search. Sit down, burn one, and grow dude! It's a blast! ;)



i'm in washington state and finnaly getting some sun. I have 1 indica plant growing for 5 weeks and it's 11 inches tall. i'm using generic organic soil and 3 weeks ago i used some miracle grow pour and feed which is 2-2-2, 2 weeks ago i used a hold all 3 way probe that has a moisture,light and ph reader on a probe. My ph almost always reads about 6.9-7.1. 2 weeks ago i mixed tap water, vinager and molasses and schults plant food which is 10-15-10. last week i added double dose of the schults fresh urine and lemon juice. she has healthy new growth at the nodes. my soil still tests at about 7. any ideas to improve growth and lower my ph?


Active Member
another couple of shots, because i cant get the shots right!! ..... so where should i trim leaves/ nodes off this plant, (thats what im going to do i think , play with one and let other one go as it will), as i am totll neewbie thanks to everyone who reads!!
Any help will b very much appreciated!!



Hi All,

I am new to this, it's my first grow... I have a 80x80x160 tent (buddha). I was using a 250w hps, but i could not get the temp down below 34c even with carbon filter on. If i have set it up correct anyway. I have ordered a 200w hps bulb hoping this will work. Failing that I will go for a 300w cfl.

Filter set up.
Filter hanging, ducting going out connected to 4" tt100. Is this correct anyone?

I have read enough to do about the growing and nutes ect, I just lack the set up knowledge, DIY is not my best lol

Any advise would be great, thanks all


:hug:Hello, glad to be here rollitup has a good vibe. Im on my third grow indoors and having a good time greening up my thumb. I use fox farm nutes and i dont see why not. I know theres more expensive nutes out there but how much diferent could they be. Peace


Active Member
hi guys , ive show some pictures of the plant now for the roots, think they are doing ok for 25 days??? bit small??

any thoughts always welcome!!

(25 says old, canna nutes, 3x3x7 closet, 600 watts DWC,)
i just started to grow a plant im using a 400 w hps light i have the light 1 foot above the plant and i have it in soil and recently the bottom sets of leaves turned yellow so i put miricle grow cuz its high in nitrite but it didnt work so i put kabloom its high in potash and phosate


Active Member
Hey guys....

Moved the 600 watt so its now 29inches from the top of the plant, thought i would have had heat issues but as yet everything is fine........just got the door open a littlw wider for new air/circulation......is this a good height ??? cnt have it lower i havent got the length on the pulley!!!!(my bad, will get chains after this one i think)

Will have pic on here soon ....


Active Member
hey i need some help
if i flower my plants inside to see what i have
and then put them outside would it mess anything up???????


Yup, been there before. When you use those pre-mix blends, you need to check the ph of the soil, the ph of the water, and use nutes sparingly until the plants look like they need it. Deficiencies can come from a low or high ph, or a lack of nutes, but since you used a pre-fertilized mix I am guessing ph. Also, is there chlorine in your water? This can cause that kind of damage as well. Are you growing indoors or outside?

Dude she looks very nice! Keep up the good work!

As for autos, I am running my first outdoor auto grow right now. They are small and love the direct sunlight. I have some journal entries on them if you are interested. Check out this thread at the very least. It helped me immensely on my grow since autos behave a little differently.


I am growing them on my balcony and yes there is chlorine in the water ....think Im gonna get a digital pH tester to avoid troubles...oh and hey...my Auto Mazars are on their way ...should be planting them soon...:D...getting really psyched...:D..thanks for help buddy ...


Well-Known Member
I am growing them on my balcony and yes there is chlorine in the water ....think Im gonna get a digital pH tester to avoid troubles...oh and hey...my Auto Mazars are on their way ...should be planting them soon...:D...getting really psyched...:D..thanks for help buddy ...
you can also just boil the water, OR sit the water jug, in the sun, put a nail size hole in the lid preventing bugs from laying eggs in it. or put a screen over the top without a lid that way it lets chemicals out faster.


Hello to all. This is my friends second grow, his first grow went horribly wrong when his mother found his plants and orderded him to destroy them. He had just started flowering cycle so a lot of effort had been put in to the grow. Smoked the leaves in a bong and got slightly stoned.

Now he has just germinated all 5 of his super iced grapefruit (all 5 germinated shit hot) with a few crappy thai weed seeds that he got out of a bag of crappy thai weed. Very suprised that the thai weed seeds germinated. Extra plants for free. Woo hoo
I'm in U.S.A How long will it stay in veg state? It does not look like it is getting any bigger! I'm giving it 1 gallon of water every 3 days now and Miracle Grow every 6 days. Do I need to trim off anything or just leave it? Thanks for all the Help! Hoog.
MG is not good for MJ when i used it it had so many nutes that it blocked out the N n wouldnt grow till i flushed and tranplanted i would use 1/4 strength with MG if u have no choice. a pic would help too. as far as trimming,how old is your plant n how many nodes?where im at harvest is sept-oct