Welcome New Members!


i have 4 mothers that wilted from me not watering. two are coming back but the other two are questionable. will they come back too???
yummy 3.jpgyummy2.jpgyummy1.jpg week 4 flowering total noob California Orange Bud smells like a fruit market. vegged 6 weeks 5'0ft tall of course it doubled its original size once flowering began:leaf::weed:bongsmilie


I am an old time growing enthusiast and assistant, who has moved not too long ago and is about to start back up. I don't do a whole lot of posting, I just do a whole lot of lurking, I will try to contribute to this forum as much as I can going forward as I don't see how I can ask for help without offering something first :).

The only thing I have to offer right now, is not work of mine, but rather a pdf outlining Heath's Genius and pertinent questions as per his flooded tube grow. Over the next couple months I am building a space in my basement and will be going with this type of grow. The fast recirculation intrigues me as well as the hybrid NFT/DWC and low wattage usage for a high gpw.

I won't be posting pictures of my grow for a while as I am actually constructing a space in my basement. I will however be posting some plans and specs for the space I am consructing as I figure some of you may be interested in the space itself. I am in the process of designing and building a 6'6" tall liquour cabinet behind my makeshift bar that will be sliding out to reveal a hidden door for an enclosed grow room. Right now I have just done some rough in work, and am working on the cabinet itself and the mechanisms for locking. When I get done I will post a tutorial on a hidden sliding door. (only way I could think of it to work for my particular need). In the meantime enjoy Heath's genius, and hopefully he doesn't mind. I spent a lot of time on his thread and so much of it was needlessly polluted. As such I tried to compile all the useful information in the journal and trim it down to a nice neat pdf. A tribute to him even.

The PDF can be accessed here .


Well-Known Member
Hi all, another newbie....from the UK....female!
Just starting my second grow (the first turned out to be male but i kept it growing just for learning purposes, so technically this latest grow will hopefully be my first successful one). Got two feminised Northern Lights autos, so fingers crossed!
Doing it fairly ghetto - got a very sunny windowsill....with a bit of part-time 250w cfl when the weather isn't so good - it is the UK after all!!
Joined here mainly to get tips, all i've read so far has been very helpful. Looking forward to joining in, especially if/when my little girls start getting bigger!


Hello everyone...ah yes...yet another newb...

"...and friends they may think it's a movement" ~Arlo Guthrie :peace:

Anyway...glad to be here...learning a lot from my read thanks to all of you!

I am in the US and anxious to get started. I have started with a bag seed and she (I think) has been in a backyard container. She has been in soil for about 3 mos...not very big but hey...i'm learning...not sure what I will do with her other than use as an experiment...

Have many questions but will read more first to avoid redundancy :wink:

Looking forward to hangin' with all of you for the duration...
