Welcome New Members!


Hi everyone, I'm new to the forums. I was just approved for my card (via 11th State Consulting in RI) and am looking forward to being a part of the community & learning as much as I can from all of you.
Hey everyone I want to start growing for personal use and for profits. I am in Southern California and I have a lot of questions in regards to growing (duh) :leaf:


I am new as well. Got my new Michigan Medical Marijuana card and am now growing my own. Learning as I go, getting ready to go into flower mode. You people have been a great help over the last several weeks so I became a member. THANK YOU for all of the information!!!!


Howdy, I'm new, just reading, trying to create a general knowledge of DIY, damn don't everyone hate it when it's 10 degrees out and overcast for a week just before harvest


Not necessarily a 'new' grower but the last time I put seed to soil, Jimmy Carter was in the White House. Back then it was a lot of Mexican, some Columbian and Thai (if you could believe the retailer) and always outdoors. We started an indoor grow in 1980 after a friend came back from a trip to NorCal. We baled when word of the indoor grow got around town. Now, 30 years later I find myself back in the mix. What goes around, comes around. I'm a rookie all over again. Going hydro this time, so I may need some helpful nudging from time to time.


Well-Known Member
Hello all, newbie to RIU and growing. My first grow will be happening in the next few weeks I believe. I'm waiting for my medical card and finalizing ideas on setup. I've soaked up grow info forever and hope to put it to actual use and learn more along the way. I'm also hoping this community will help guide me with knowledge already posted and help while I'm growing. Cheers all!
Hello. I am a NorthWest coast grower. I grow using ozonated, bubbleponic medium with one all organic food. Keeping it simple and clean.

I am been growing for 2 decades and just want a community of fellow cannabis lovers. YEAH!

Nice to be here. PEACE and ONE MIGHTY LOVE!


Sup everybody, on my first grow, everything still going well. However, I'm not sure how I should trim my Arjans Haze no. 2. It used to be outside, but due to circumstances I've had to move it in. Now half of it gets a ton of light from the window, the other half not nearly enough from two fluorescent tubes. I started trimming on the tube-side (these buds get little light), cutting out the smallest buds. After I got to the end I noticed the buds on the tube-side I had left were still a heckuvalot smaller than even the shittier ones on the window-side. Should I just chop off all the smaller ones, concentrating the blooming on one half of the plant?

Pics for comparison:



Active Member
Hello all a im a newb here and to growing , just started my first grow and all seems well but I think I just over watered them bcuz the leaves are drooping but look perfectly healthy(pics soon). my question is , when do I start to drip fed them? I am growing in soiless medium(clay rocks) in a tent using 1 600w mh 22inchs away 15gal res , temps light on 72-79 off 65-70 , ph 5.8 ppm 180 and they are 2 weeks old from seed.


Well-Known Member
WELCOME new members of RIU, If I can be of any assistance, Please do not hesitate to send me a PM.
Peace and Happy Growing !!

Please take a minute to watch this video on how to get started.


Well-Known Member
I guess I'm doing things a bit backwards, but I'm a newbie. Done met some pretty nice folks and gotten some great advice. I look forward to meeting more of you guys along the way.

Unfortunately my first 'grow' got hijacked yesterday evening (plants outside on back porch not to mention I live in the woods) when I went to pick the old man up from work.

I'm not sure what half the terms are here (LOL) but I am really anxious to learn as much as I can. Just about got my hubby convinced to buy me the stuff for a grow closet! Fingers crossed!