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Active Member
Sorry to hear that , and good luck with your closet. I am here to learn as well , but I've been reading a lot of different threads on here for a little while and love every minute of it.

big n

hi folks! found this site and thought i'd stick around for a while! i live in northern ireland i have my first plant just starting into flowering stage (see my avatar) its just growing in my greenhouse next to my da's tomatos and seems to be doing just fine! its skunk number 1 and its about 7 to 8 foot tall and looks nice and strong! does anyone know how long i should expect to have to wait til i can harvest from this stage? there seems to be about 17 or 18 branches like these with buds starting on them (pic in my avatar. i'll figure out how to post pics in my threads soon if anyone would like to see them) is this a good plant or is it just the normal looking yield i can expect next time?

had a few problems (my mother dropped them when they were in a tin germinating! doh!) and out of the 5 seeds i tried to germinate this was the only plant that grew properly! but hey! its a learning curve isnt it?

cheers for any help ;)


high my name is southern bud i would like to share my pictures of kcbrains ,everybody talks bad about them well i have very good results with them i think people dont no how to ger and grow now you do have to give them alot of mag. other than that they r great to grow and smoke lets see if i can post some picturesIMG_0001.jpg


lets see now these buds got mixed up well i was ah stoned and tripped on my computer cable and damnit man they went flying ,well gotem picked up and yes we have 3 kinds of kcbrains mango califonia skunk and dont no the other all are very nice bud tight IMG_0002.jpg


well i have been hearing alot of bad stuff ,so i ordered 8 diff. kinds got these 3 going now cali special going to finish early she is at 5 maybe 6 weeks into budor flowering as some would say lol ok thanks kevin i will have more up dates oh they r growing under a 600 wt system MH/HPS
Hey all. Just starting to research clones to grow. I'm completely new to this side of things and am stoked about starting this thing up. Hopefully I won't ask too many dumb questions, but thanks to everyone for sharing their experiences. word.


Hi all. About to embark on my first grow and am looking forward to sharing my experience with you guys and learning from your infinate wisdom!


Hi all, thought I'd pop my head in and introduce myself.

Embarking on my first grow and I'm very excited to learn from everyone. Cheers all! Off to start the grow journal!


well i didnt even start yet but i need help like alot of help i want to grow in my closet but i need a supply list please help me