Welcome New Members!

Does anybody know of a thread or an article on here or anywhere for that matter that explains the anatomy of a marijuana plant in detail?
Greetings fellow travelers. You can call me red. I Am a beginner to semi novice grower. I have loved Mary since I met her. I used to think I knew something about this life, I Had No Clue. Anywz. just saying hello, and thanks for having the gutz to share the love.
wadup guys ! I got some og18xskunk,most of them are 12 days old since I started the germination,there under a 13w florescent bulb and a fan ruining at 7.5v(ajustable adapter so i can go from 1.5 to 12v).Its my first time whit this strain so what do you think of the hole thing and can you give me some tips of fertilizers and further growing? here `s some pics IMG_0005.jpgIMG_0006.jpgIMG_0008.jpgIMG_0009.jpgIMG_0010.jpgIMG_0012.jpgIMG_0013.jpgIMG_0014.jpgIMG_0015.jpgIMG_0016.jpgIMG_0018.jpgIMG_0019.jpg
I got some problems whit IMG16 the one on support,this is the second plant that does this it fully fell over like the stem had no support at all(like a piece of rubberband) the first one died this is holding up barely what could be causing this ?
Welcome aboard.

RockStar, you will want to repost that data to one of the specific forums.
Try the "Indoor Growing" forum.

Good luck,

Hello All, new to the forum. From what i have read, everyone in the "community" is doing a great job, and I would like to give many thanks in advance!

I started growing 10 years ago. Have had many wonderful crops. I gave it up 2 years ago, and am just starting again (18 seeds germinating). I am using my favorite strand, BLUE VENOM, and am hoping that the seeds were still good as they are over 2 years old! Time will tell i guess.
I joined this forum because i'm going to start growing.
It's going to be my first grow, but the last few years i've been helping friends with the ladies, and now it's my turn :bigjoint:

I'm very interested in LED-growing Lights-reviews, anyone who can guide me to the proper section? I get easily lost in these boards :D

Oh, and almost forgotten, I live in Belgium and just turned 21 =)
hey guys, been reading lurking here for a long time, started growing a year ago, now im trying to boost my yealds so here i am to ask some questions :) love the forum! :)
hi all! i didn't join because i started growing, don't currently have the means, BUT i did still join and thats all that matters, i joined because this seems to be one of the only sites that are still up in running(i too have been lurking for years now, around 4-6 years) in relation to 420. but anyways, that's my introduction!

btw i posted a thread in toke n talk about everyones smokespot/mancave and i posted a pretty boring picture of mine, and introducing myself, but it didn't show up on the thread list, any idea what could have happened? i was stoned so i'm hoping i didn't like leave the screen without pressing post or something lol
Hey guys, Im a little new to the site and already enjoy reading what everyone has to say about their experiences and their current grows. Im building my first big scale greenhouse and looking to get a few examples if anyone cares to share. thanks in advance.
Hey guys, Im a little new to the site and already enjoy reading what everyone has to say about their experiences and their current grows. Im building my first big scale greenhouse and looking to get a few examples if anyone cares to share. thanks in advance.

you should check out our grow room design area, https://www.rollitup.org/grow-room-design-setup/ most people /users would prefer if you created your OWN thread, as sometimes people tend not to read something with 946 pages already built into it
Hi im new to this im tryin to germinate my first lot of seeds i have soaked them for 24hr then put them in rootit plugs witch were soaked before hand they are now in a heated propagator they have bin there since tuesday i got up this morn Thursday and one or to of the rootit spounges were a bit dry so i have weted them can anyone give me any advise on how long they wil take and can i use my mh bulb for them thank you
it would help if you created your own thread in this forum, also do some reading looking around as there are plenty of threads on germination already. however the best advise is to be patient. it will take quite a bit of time before your seed reaches the surface of the rootit sponge.
Tons of Youtube my good fellow. I just started germ on monday of this week and already have each of 2 Betty Boo and one Arjan's #3 pushing through the dirt and making me happy. I am a farm kid that has been around veggies my whole life. Easy for me to do this and not to complicated even for city kids. I would hope the fact that you would be posting here would keep all of us enthused and provide that much more cohesiveness in our efforts to attain perfection and grow a family of true contributors in a worthy cause. Remember that I should be an outcast as to my past and have at 47yrs old endevoured on such a worthy quest as yours. In Colorado we have the law supporting us. Hope it spreads. Msg me on yours germiniation probs. and I will be back with you within a week. Going out of town til Mon. and would love to help. Yeah, 3 Bach, degs and 312 credits and 12 years MP/CID in he Army. Over achieving and not hording anything for my profit. Come get some info. dude. What perplexes me about such forums is that people think their longevity and following allows them certain lattitudes. Newbies offer so much if taken seriously. I have been building computers since the mid-80s and still learn from the Geek Squad, although be it infrequently. The guys from my town have done some amazing stuff. Just research RMR in Steamboat and you will see where I get my information. As an old guy with many disciplines, I realize that the higher I build my pedestal the more I will need a true indica when I fall. Let us all determine what we smoke by our own needs and not by the burdens of what has been placed upon us by others. Respect.
Hello everybody, just here to introduce myself. I have been lurking around these threads for quite some time now and now have decided to chime in. I am not exactly an experienced grower, but rather have been growing a substantial amount. I am certainly looking to expand my grow and I am pretty interested in those new modern techniques such as hydroponics. I hope to get some help from the fellow growers and wish to contribute by helping others.
Hey. Well hi everyone New i been on this site reading tons and i started growing i would say 3 months ago. So far so good no female yet but i mean u got to learn with males as well. Growing in a 2x2 space got two dwc I never did Soil i just went to dwc seemed easy and pretty interesting.

I do need help in tell if a plant is male or female. Does female have any seeds? or nutssacks at first when blooming ?

Anyways, Happy to be here and ready to learn.