Well-Known Member
my point exacly , its proibly the nutes they feed their plants that they are tastingi'm at that point right now...
my point exacly , its proibly the nutes they feed their plants that they are tastingi'm at that point right now...
N is considered the big 'bad taste' nute (the reason why you see mature plant yellowing) MG, on its downside, is rich in N. One should schedule their x-plant/harvest, and 2 weeks before, so one can use just plain water for the last 2 weeks (the 2 week flush)
As for the food analogy, I'll give it some credit, but would like to add that if I eat/swallow a small plastic bead, its not much a prob, I'll just pass it out. But if I inhale the fumes of the same plastic bead as it burns, its a MUCH different story. Burning changes things quite a bit. Other compounds are produced. Food is cooked, and not subject to near the temps we smoke/vaporize at.
Yuppers... we just can't accept that something could be THAT simple..!! Just add water? Sacrilege!!
I've got an idea I'm going to test out next time: I really like how things went for me just starting my seeds in 2-gal pots and going all the way -- no transplants, no shocks, super simple. But, the early nute burn thing sucked to watch, even though it did no real harm... SO:
What I'm going to do is fill pots with fresh MG, then hollow out an area in the center about 4-5" around and deep, and fill that with nute-free seed-starter mix. The plant will live out its first couple weeks there and by the time it's ready to take off, the roots will have grown down and out and hit the pre-ferted MG and BANG...!! Off to the moon!
Screw MG.
Any knob can grow marijuana in MG, sure the stuff is a little hot, big deal. If Grandma can grow a African Violets in it, I can surely grow some weed.
No, I hate MG because they are not a good company. In fact they are a bad company. A greedy multi-national chemical company. The EPA is constantly suing them. Their own employees are suing them for exposing them to mystery chemicals, women exposed to their factories are giving birth to flipper babies, the list never ends. THIS is your hero?
hell yeah this guys got the right idea, HUGE multinational capitalist peice of shit, pot heads should be in the red on this stuff, use the earth and add care and knowledge, its possible without synthetic chemicals found no where in nature, your talking about people whining, shit man nobody said you couldnt grow with it, your a free man go for it, but only helpful people that want to help people out simply say it is definately not the best thing to use, which is more fact than opinion, yes no duh you can grow your weed in it, its made to grow plants. seems obvious, the only person being extreme and harsh is you. calm down its only dirt hah
2. The soil is not really made with the thought of planting 4' tall aggressive weeds from start to finish, building every root, stem and leaf along the way. The "3-month" claim is based on an assumption that we're going to put plants at some stage of advanced development, like flowering marigolds from Lowe's.
So, I'll bet that soil is pretty spent by the time MJ finishes flowering. It'd be interesting to run an MG start to finish with nothing but water, then send the final soil to a University extension to get a bona fide soil nutrient test.
hell yeah this guys got the right idea, HUGE multinational capitalist peice of shit, pot heads should be in the red on this stuff, use the earth and add care and knowledge, its possible without synthetic chemicals found no where in nature, your talking about people whining, shit man nobody said you couldnt grow with it, your a free man go for it, but only helpful people that want to help people out simply say it is definately not the best thing to use, which is more fact than opinion, yes no duh you can grow your weed in it, its made to grow plants. seems obvious, the only person being extreme and harsh is you. calm down its only dirt hah
Good thoughts.. some of which I agree with. I wouldn't be one to say "MG is the best", I see it primarily as effective and cheap. It's also simple that, considering my 60-hour work week, is impt to me.
First, the chemicals in MG and a lot of other "synthetic" products are found in nature, often abundantly. We just copy them 'cause it makes the process cheaper and many times, less impact than extracting the natural source... And..
This idea that "organic" is somehow low-impact on the planet is just flat wrong. A lot of organic items are also supplied by big multinational pieces of corporate shit or by staggeringly wealthy corporate farms drawing millions off the federal tit (that's you and me, my friend), and are charging you out the ass for it.
Do you know how organic vegetables happen? Instead of using the usual array of pesticides and herbicides to control competition, they furrow between the rows about 6X a season. Nice and cute when you have a half-acre garden. How do you do it when that field is 400 acres? By driving a diesel tractor up and down the damn thing.. 6X a year, burning all that fuel and pulverizing the shit out of the soil, whose physical structure is every bit as important as nutrients and amendments when it comes to supporting growth. Add that up over the tens or 100's of thousands of acres we have in organic produce production. It's not low-impact, just a different set of impacts.
Where do you think all that kelp and lime and worm castings come from? Out of someone's little backyard operation, nice and friendly and cooperating with Mother Nature (cue birdsong here..) and contemplating the harmony of the universe? Fuck no - they yard that kelp out with huge machines that tear up everything with it -- the molluscs and corals and what-not down below -- and kick the sea otters right out of their homes in the process. It comes back yes.. but there's a lot of damage and displacement for awhile. Do you have any idea what happens when you produce worm castings on a commercial scale? There's some nasty ass acidic and ureic runoff from those places, and they consume a tremendous amount of energy to maintain climate control, just like we do running our mega-power lamps to produce the dope we love, but don't really need (most of us, anyway).
There's no free rides, my friend. We can all choose chemical or organic as a matter of free will while growing our dope, but let's not kid ourselves. As long as there's 7 BILLION PEOPLE on this planet, we're going to continue stomping this fucker into the ground, organic or not.
It is only dirt... not trying to flame you, bro.![]()
good points... didn't think about those other issues... even when they call something Natural Spring Water... you'll find out that for some, the actual creek dried up years ago and some companies use tapwater ran through multiple filters.... so you must ask yourself.. how did it dry up in the first place... because of people...that effect the ecosystem that lived off of that water...
animals hunted for clothing, souvenirs, captivity, pets, food... all effects the planet...
free websites want to charge for porn... that effects my world... damn near ruined me...ha
but seriously.... many companies aren't worth shit and the people behind them have secret agenda's that you'll never find out.... look at all this big corporations that will happily accept money, but if they don't make the same amount of money as last year, they rather fire 100 people that make $30,000 before reducing the salaries of the guys that make $300,000 and more.... did you forget how all these corporations give themselves fat bonuses before crying broke... when in actuality, they're the ones that bankrupt the companies by accepting million dollar bonuses... the same money that would have been listed as revenue or assets....
good points... didn't think about those other issues... even when they call something Natural Spring Water... you'll find out that for some, the actual creek dried up years ago and some companies use tapwater ran through multiple filters.... so you must ask yourself.. how did it dry up in the first place... because of people...that effect the ecosystem that lived off of that water...
animals hunted for clothing, souvenirs, captivity, pets, food... all effects the planet...
free websites want to charge for porn... that effects my world... damn near ruined me...ha
but seriously.... many companies aren't worth shit and the people behind them have secret agenda's that you'll never find out.... look at all this big corporations that will happily accept money, but if they don't make the same amount of money as last year, they rather fire 100 people that make $30,000 before reducing the salaries of the guys that make $300,000 and more.... did you forget how all these corporations give themselves fat bonuses before crying broke... when in actuality, they're the ones that bankrupt the companies by accepting million dollar bonuses... the same money that would have been listed as revenue or assets....
Thanks, bro.. I actually felt a little bad after going off like that. There are actually good organic companies and producers trying to do the right things out there. And many of them are not "certified organic" cause the process we throw up is untenable for really small operators who often have the best products and best intents.
Add in all the visual labels of the nutes. Do you really think the art/marketing dept is targeting legit consumers? Nope. Targeting the stoners. Much like any other 'cult like' group. Golfers, sailors, etc. All will spend all they can on being better then the next guy. And they see this and exploit. (but thats the wonder of capitalism, parting and idiot with his money. he's probably better off without it anyway. Hence the hole MG thread.)But there are also, as you allude, a lot of others masquerading behind labels. And there are a lot of subsidiary companies with cute sounding names. Their products are organic, but their lineage tracks back to giant international holding companies guilty of all the most vile abuses.
Don't get me wrong.. I like people; work with 'em daily from all walks. There's just simply too damn many.
Add in all the visual labels of the nutes. Do you really think the art/marketing dept is targeting legit consumers? Nope. Targeting the stoners. Much like any other 'cult like' group. Golfers, sailors, etc. All will spend all they can on being better then the next guy. And they see this and exploit. (but thats the wonder of capitalism, parting and idiot with his money. he's probably better off without it anyway. Hence the hole MG thread.)
(wow! how this thread took a turn!........ How about them Mets? LOL)
this thread is for all the people who uses MG and don't get their panties all up in a bunch.... instead of hearing,
waaaah waahhhh.... my plant burn.... i hate you MG....wahhhhh wahhhh
ummmmm, how about not overwatering (prevents burning... and why the hell are you overwatering anyway... stop babysitting your plant)
oh, how about not adding more nutes to something that ALREADY has nutes? ( much do YOU eat? greedy bastards)
how about this one...buying soil just to pick out all the white stuff out of it, DOESN'T make sense.... (do you date girls that you have to makeover? i didn't think so)
PH problems? don't blame MG (PH stands for playa hater...thats right...MG has a playa hater problem...haha....stop hating all you big face bastards)
bottom line... MG doens't suck... you do...haha...
sorry...had to say this... getting tired of people on here "swearing on their lives" not to use the stuff....
people CAN and ARE ABLE TO grow with the damn please... stop given out bs... people come here for help and guidance... i understand everyone has things they like and are good suggestions/alternatives... but when i see a something like...
Newbie: i have miracle grow, 2 cfl's up my butt blah blah blah
response: don't use MG... i "HEARD" and "READ" not to use it... (stfu with the he say, she say crap... i know i'm rude..sorry)
or the other typical response: don't use it... MG burns and blah blah blah
i truly believe, if you can grow in MG... you were doing the right thing, which is basic gardening and following directions...which means you are able to adjust if you choose a different soil later on... you also know how to treat the plant and what to look for...
this excludes experience growers (unless you have beef with MG... well then...welcome, come on in, i would like to introduce you to my foot) haha.. i love this site
GO to my profile that was a MG grow
haha... those damn Mets better do something this year.... whats the point of "almost" making it... but they already have their checks.... so i don't think they are really beating themselves up over it during the off season... i know i wouldn't... more vacation time