Welcome the new guy!! im taking any and all tip for a new grower!!!!


Well-Known Member
Welcome aboard! Odor control is paramount, don't overspend on nutes, have patience, buy rubber gloves to trim with and wjen done with them place in the freezer and you can peel the resin right off of them!


Welcome mate! You've come to the right place!

RIU is one of the best sites I've come across, lots of cool-friendly stoners that happily helps out, excluding the occasional pricks.. ;-) lmao.



Active Member
Welcome! Things I wish i'd known when I started: Odour control is top priority. The fewer people you tell the less chance you have of being busted. Dont over water. More nutes than the guide is not a good idea. Learn to LST/TOP/FIM asap. Clones need to be in moist medium but not sat in water.


Active Member
Welcome ! People here are more than willing to help out. If i was starting all over again I wish I would have read these. https://www.rollitup.org/advanced-marijuana-cultivation/267989-uncle-bens-gardening-tweeks-pointers.html
These threads have a lot of great info. Read through the whole thing when you can. Also check out all the stickies. The site is filled with great info. It's also filled with crap so be careful what you listen to. More is less with cannabis. Any questions just ask. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
#1 dont fuck with them to much i no its really hard not to molest your plants 24/7
#2 dont over water
#3 have lots of light, theres never to much light
#4 have good ventilation
#5 make sure theres perlite in your soil
#6 pic a good nitrogen rich nute
#7 try new things with them and have fun growing!
these are just things i have learned over the last 2 monthes that has really helped me, happy growing!:joint:bongsmilie:bigjoint::weed:


Well-Known Member
Ill give you the same advice I give every new grower who posts, patience and google are your best friends