Well I need a smoke

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
Oh some time sunday night i decided after almost 16 yrs of smoking cigarettes that it was high time to quit, after I seen what might be seriosis in one of my eyebrows, weird.

well its now saturday, I had my last smoke on tuesday morning, kinda getting bored and finding that I want to smoke, but I have not as of yet given in, i find that my pot smoking has increased a little, but kinda just did it cold turkey with the use of the patch started on step 2 seems to work i havent used the patch the last 2 days and havent wanted to smoke, so any other resent quiters


Well-Known Member
Im certainly not a recent quitter, but i stopped smoking cigs 14 years ago and there are still times for a brief second or two, i have a craving, but it never lasts and reason takes over. the most important thing is to not have that first cig. Dont buy that first pack.

you can do it!


LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
Im certainly not a recent quitter, but i stopped smoking cigs 14 years ago and there are still times for a brief second or two, i have a craving, but it never lasts and reason takes over. the most important thing is to not have that first cig. Dont buy that first pack.

you can do it!

good advice so far so good been almost a week not one cig


Active Member
I just quit a few months ago because I couldn't take it any more, and boy does my chest and lungs feel better...Smoke plenty of nice buds that make ya cough your brains out because after you quit smoking cigs your lungs spend quite a bit of time healing themselves and expectorating all the nasty shit that the cigs put in them. I know that coughing my brains out while smoking weed sure helped push a lot of this shit out. Does your state have laws mandating that carpet glue be put in the cigarettes like where I live?

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
I just quit a few months ago because I couldn't take it any more, and boy does my chest and lungs feel better...Smoke plenty of nice buds that make ya cough your brains out because after you quit smoking cigs your lungs spend quite a bit of time healing themselves and expectorating all the nasty shit that the cigs put in them. I know that coughing my brains out while smoking weed sure helped push a lot of this shit out. Does your state have laws mandating that carpet glue be put in the cigarettes like where I live?
not to sure about the carpet glued lol but i can say that i cough tons of shit in the shower every morning that i wasnt before, sleeping alot better now too it seems, i gonna spend the saved cash on the race car and grow room


Active Member
not to sure about the carpet glued lol but i can say that i cough tons of shit in the shower every morning that i wasnt before, sleeping alot better now too it seems, i gonna spend the saved cash on the race car and grow room
Are your cigarettes FSC? Where I live it's mandated for "fire safety reasons" (because apparently drunken idiots fall asleep with a cig in their hand and burn their house down commonly) that cigarettes have a few bands of a fire retardant material embedded in the paper. It's only a thin layer but if you don't puff through it your cigarette will go out. I looked into it and they use ethylene vinyl acetate (the same shit they use in carpet glue to make it flame retardant) and I only smoked for so long after that. The cigs taste nasty and bitter cause of it and it wasn't really tested on humans before they put it out there. It was tested on rats, and it gave them brain cancer. So fuck that.

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
Are your cigarettes FSC? Where I live it's mandated for "fire safety reasons" (because apparently drunken idiots fall asleep with a cig in their hand and burn their house down commonly) that cigarettes have a few bands of a fire retardant material embedded in the paper. It's only a thin layer but if you don't puff through it your cigarette will go out. I looked into it and they use ethylene vinyl acetate (the same shit they use in carpet glue to make it flame retardant) and I only smoked for so long after that. The cigs taste nasty and bitter cause of it and it wasn't really tested on humans before they put it out there. It was tested on rats, and it gave them brain cancer. So fuck that.
yep fsc for the masses did not know thats what they used for the fire retardend, thats bs people should be able to sue there ass for the shit they put in cigs


Well-Known Member
i quit in february. keep at it man. cigs arent worth it. also if u start again, u will have to go through all this bullshit again when u quit


Well-Known Member
yea i just look at and tell friends that smoke "whats the point of smoking them if they dont get you high?"


Ursus marijanus
I just read the last message and thought "dude you could have GROWN some smoke in the meantime"
...but then I realized you were talking about a different weed.
Good on ya mate!!


Well-Known Member
I quit May 4th 2011 when I start getting a craving I think to myself.. I don't smoke and it works for me.. then I fire up the vaporizor.....
Good for you quitting!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Now I really don't like the smell of cigarette smoke, though I still sometimes roll spliffs with baccy- but that's rolling tobacco, not the little sticks of death I'm horrified are legal. I can't tolerate store bought cigarettes at all.

As soon as I stopped I coughed alot, but it cleared my lungs out. I can feel a massive difference- weed opens up my airways. The cigarettes seemed to make my allergies worse too.


Well-Known Member
Would smoking 5 cigarettes a day of rolling tobacco kill you? I doubt it. I don't see why I would want to quit doing something I enjoy when I can cut down and still enjoy it and not suffer any malignant health effects.

Do what's best for yourself though, always. I'm glad you're happy with your decisions. :peace: