Well i think I killed my plant


Soo. today i noticed my leaes were curling up all weird and I started researching and i thought it might be cal mg so i fed it, and the tip of one leave looks burnt but i may have hit it with my light this morning when i was picking it up.

so i just want to know whats up with the curling leaves? heres two pics. it was planted on july 12th after i germinated it.Picture 001.jpgPicture 002.jpg


Well-Known Member
dont worry its not dead yet lol. if the leafs start browning more i would flush it if your worried your burning it. just run a bunch of water through it for awhile and you'll be alright.

and im with you think its a mag issue. give it a day or 2 and see if it fixes it.


Well-Known Member
Dude, that plant is not even Grateful Dead, ease up on the water/nutes if you are even doing that and bump up the light spectrum !!!!!!!!!


@drolove should those fan leaves be pointing straight up? there pretty big like the size of my hand already. its my second try first time i killed it. then i found this forum and read up on it and its been thriving im just a lil worried


i may flush and stop using the nutes. i think i may have been over watering it, i just read every day/every two days may be bad. if its overwatered and i flush it, is that super bad for the plant?


Well-Known Member
well it SHOULD recover. over watering it is better then burning it to death. like i said only if the burns get worse. just burning the tips will happen but wont exactly kill the plant. would let it sit a couple days if you could before giving it more water cause that could be the issue. theres no reason a plant of its size would need mag this early.


hmmf alright thank you man, it really scared me i just want to get it looking as healthy as it did a few days ago :S


@zombiefarm it was one leave tip and i just rippped it off because i think it may have been the reflector touching it


Well-Known Member
stick half your finger down into the soil between the main stem and the side of the pot and if its moist to the touch at all even if its barely noticeable dont water it. you could even wait till the leafs start drooping down to water it.


Active Member
whats ur temp?leaves tend to curl up like a taco under high heat,and shit let that bitch dry out a little before watering it,it doesnt look like it needs flushed


lol dont rip it off. if you have to, use clean scissors.
lol alright. and they are not under high heat im using a few cfl's and there not hot at all about 8-12 inch's above the plant.
and curling up like a taco is the best description of whats going on with the biggest fan leaves.


Well-Known Member
well if your for sure its not heat you could lower those CFLs a couple inches. would put a thermo under there and check it though


well thank you everyone! i just added two 4ft florescent blubs to help with light and added a new fan for good circulation i hope it fixes it self :D and im getting the termo asap


Well-Known Member
well thank you everyone! i just added two 4ft florescent blubs to help with light and added a new fan for good circulation i hope it fixes it self :D and im getting the termo asap
taco leaves=heat stress.......mine do this every day outdoors because it is 100 degrees


Well-Known Member
well thank you everyone! i just added two 4ft florescent blubs to help with light and added a new fan for good circulation i hope it fixes it self :D and im getting the termo asap

good idea! thermo is a key tool needed in EVERY grow room.