We'll see how this goes...


Well-Known Member
When stoned, creatively:

Clean, and it's a game

Gym, and it's a game

Belly dancing (the first class) was fun as hell. Totally joining the new class is 2016 @Hookabelly - I shall look to you for pointers.

I love music, singing along to music, and love doing yoga, going to the gym, walking, going on adventures, and...

The most creative thing I would say I do when stoned, I talk to myself. I have conversations with myself, and hypothetical conversations with other people. I figure things out. Motivation behind actions, and how to help my friends and myself out of sticky situations.

That's my favourite part. I love to figure things out.

Did I do it right?

xoxox @ArcticOrange . Real nice talking to you this morning.


Well-Known Member
Recently I've gone full blown nerd mode with pen and paper Tabletop RPGs. Or D&D + Warhammer to be specific. It started out with a conversation with a coworker about video games. It then branched off into oldschool tabletops. Another guy overhears us. Jumps into the conversation. I ran games for both on and off for around 13 years. I said I'd run games no problem if there were more people. You generally want 4-8 people. 2 days later they scraped together 6 total including themselves. No one wants to do Warhammer considering it's a pretty damn expensive $ + time investment if you want to do it "right". For all people involved.
I've actually been losing a lot of sleep due to being up and writing. Most of it is done by hand. Or rough drafts of things anyways.
I'm thankful there are loads of online tools these days that literally cuts all of your tedious work in half.
A good mild sativa buzz is nice to help with creativity in the writing process and help time fly by.
After everything's said and done and finish up a 3-4 hour game night it's time for everyone to do bong rips. Eat a pizza and have some laughs.