well that cant be good


growing in regualr soil with peat, perlite and castings. I water with tap water that has sat for 24 hours, no ph tester, steady 75 degrees, just got hps, my main problem is with the curling leaves it also seems that earlier in the grow the leaves got holes burnt in them somehow, what do you guys think?



Well-Known Member
hard to tell anything with those pics. They look ok. maybe a little over fertilized. (clawing tips) The best advise i can give you is GET A PH TESTER! Its super important! dont let all your hard work go out the window. The fact that you have peat in your mix IS going to affect your PH over time, adding acidity to your soil. Might already be a problem. I use this tester inexpensive and accurate > http://cgi.ebay.com/Digital-Milwaukee-pH600-pH-Tester-Meter-Pocket-Pen-600_W0QQitemZ380124537302QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item58813021d6&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=65%3A12%7C66%3A2%7C39%3A1%7C72%3A1205%7C240%3A1318%7C301%3A1%7C293%3A1%7C294%3A50
You can't grow weed without one, unless you've been doing it for years and have a good proven system. Get one now before its too late. Happy growing & good luck!


Well-Known Member
LOL i was just talkin about that!
Here >
I gaurantee your tap water sucks. You know all the slackers where ever you work? Well.... theres slackers working for the water dept too lol. My tap water is nothing short of poisonous! Seriously. The PH out of my tap is 8.4 :sad: I always use spring water on my young plants. when they get older and require more water, THEN i use tap water. But i keep my tapwater in a 5gallon jug with an airstone in it. After i fill it ,i wait AT LEAST 2 days preferrably 3. the airstone helps with evaporating off the chlorine and also adds valuable oxygen to the water. I water all my house plants with this. (I still dont drink it though!) FYI I saw some FREE water test kits at home depot the other day. (the kind you send in the sample to the lab)
I hope you don't drink your tap water. Yuck.
GET a water filter or BE a water filter! Nowhatimean?


i see you, i do drink the poison, im one cheap dude so ima prolly get one of those ph water tester mabobs, do appreciate your view


Well-Known Member
You're not thriftier than me!! LOL I'm wicked "thrifty". IMO to be cheap you must be rich, and refuse to spend your wealth, THATS cheap. IF you're like me you're not cheap your broke lol. Happy growing!
P.S my 1st grow i spent less the 200 and harvested almost 1/2 lb. EFFICIENT!