Well this sucks

anyone read about how spinosad isnt supposed to be used as well?
anyone read about how spinosad isnt supposed to be used as well?

It's supposed to be harmless on veggies up til harvest. I think some states don't allow weed to be sold with traces of it during testing, but there haven't been studies to prove it's harmful. I can tell you I've used it every year I've grown, in large part for mites, whitelflies and thrips, but I do spray on the buds if there's any sign of budworms, although it's rare to see them if the plant was sprayed at the start of flower. I can tell you I've had no residue, no weird taste or bud damage from using it. I'm not gonna baby my plants for months just tp have them ruined just before harvest, better safe than sorry.

Besides, inhaling smoke into your lungs is unhealthy and dangerous to begin with.
It's supposed to be harmless on veggies up til harvest. I think some states don't allow weed to be sold with traces of it during testing, but there haven't been studies to prove it's harmful. I can tell you I've used it every year I've grown, in large part for mites, whitelflies and thrips, but I do spray on the buds if there's any sign of budworms, although it's rare to see them if the plant was sprayed at the start of flower. I can tell you I've had no residue, no weird taste or bud damage from using it. I'm not gonna baby my plants for months just tp have them ruined just before harvest, better safe than sorry.

Besides, inhaling smoke into your lungs is unhealthy and dangerous to begin with.
. actually if you scroll to the bottom of the first page there is a EPA factsheet results about the tests they did with spinosad. and to be even more fair all garden products are toxic casue its for plants not human consumption. and i use pyrethrins i have the same results i dont have any plant damage or weird taste. just protected plants.
My first grow this year. My buddy is doing a large commercial grow here in New Mexico. He has a real gift with girls. He told me to use BT. I think I sprayed during the first 5 or 6 weeks of flowering. I have no signs of bugs. I don't think mold is much of a problem here in the desert. The girls look great, but they are tiny. Late planting, June 30. All the leaves ha e had on ly 3 fingers perleaf. Harvesting October 9 during full moon. Wish me luck.


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My first grow this year. My buddy is doing a large commercial grow here in New Mexico. He has a real gift with girls. He told me to use BT. I think I sprayed during the first 5 or 6 weeks of flowering. I have no signs of bugs. I don't think mold is much of a problem here in the desert. The girls look great, but they are tiny. Late planting, June 30. All the leaves ha e had on ly 3 fingers perleaf. Harvesting October 9 during full moon. Wish me luck.
Watch out for the cartel
That makes me feel better. Thanks man. I lst'd them both so they are like little20221003_165453.jpg bonsai bud trees......they are shaped almost identical.
Interesting observations regarding neem oil. I use it but I stop after the plant starts flowering. It is very strong smelling and I can detect that it has been applied to a plant weeks after it’s been sprayed (heavy rain can impact this by reducing the smell). Honestly it isn’t very effective at stopping or preventing an infestation. It helps but it’s never totally eradicated anything I’ve used it against. Still some help is better than none so i continue to use it as sparingly as I can.