Well Today's the Day (ACMPR Regulations and Forms)

I was told by HC joining the ACMPR doesnt void your MMAR. My mmar is useless to me because my production site is no longer valid. Im going to try my luck with the new program but still have my pink sheets, and will hope they will allow us to make at least an address change to that. If not so be it, I will be in the new program the only main difference I see (once you figure out your same daily limit) would be that you have to renew yearly which obviously sucks, but if thats the only down side then I dont think its terrible
HC is bullshitting you. Once signed onto the ACMPR you are no longer MMAR and not covered by the injunction. I needed to move my garden a few years ago while HC refused to acknowledge my existence, so I just did it. I haven't had any issues. We have the right to freedom of movement in this country and I will not be held captive by HC or anyone else. Joining the ACMPR now would subject me to undue stress by forcing me to find a rare doctor willing to sign or be left without meds because I can't afford the extortion fees. It comes down to personal circumstances...I'm old, poor and don't give a fuck -'nothing to lose' - so I am going to do what I need to do to treat myself. If you have small kids, a house, career etc. it changes things.