Well water info please.

I am in rural Michigan and we moved from the city. We are on well water and that is what I have used indoor last grow. I always prefill containers with water and I have a bunch of fish tank air pumps. I have always done this as the old timers have taught me years ago.

Now that I am outside due to my house flooding (not by choice) I am seeing some differences with the 2 sets of plants I am running. I have a few in dirt way out on the property and a few in pots on my deck. They all are in great shape minus the wind damage yesterday.

Here is my question. Some old guy I met at at flower stand on the side of the road told me the other day well water has no 02 in it. Is this true?

My plants on my deck I hook up the hose and fill 20gallon container and use a transfer pump to water. I see a difference in yellowing compared to my plants on the property in dirt. I wrote this off to big plants in 10 gallon pots that are huge and just need more food. Keep in mind the all the plants are made of 2 strains and all clones of mothers I grew a few times. So now I am thinking maybe this guy is right about the O2 in the water....Here is why.

I have a pond on my property that is fed off its own 5in well. I have it hooked up to a timer in my big garage to fill it 2 hours a day. I also have an air pump pumping air into my pond so all my fish live. I have that also in the garage and ran 500 feet of pipe from garage to pond. So it ALWAYS has o2. I water my plants in dirt in the back of the property with this water.

Could this be true? I need to give all my water from the well o2? City water from the water treatment plant has o2?

I am pretty solid at growing but I always need to learn more and tweak the system. Wifey is expecting top shelf like i can do inside.....All our eggs are in the outdoor basket right now and I need to focus on making sure we can get a decent harvest.

Thank you.
all water has O2 in it. stagnant water will have less than moving water. and higher temp stagnant water will have even less. DO is inverse of water temps

they toldyou to bubble muni water to get rid of chlorine.

so no, muni water doesnt' "inject" o2 into water
just by watering you are putting o2 into your water, as it hits the soil. i use well or rain water to feed mine with no trouble at all. your fine with your well water
Thanks guys. I never thought about the root ball temps either. Should I be using like those sheets of pink insulation to protect them and keep the temps down?
The only reason I keep them on the deck is to protect from insects. My deck is pretty elevated. Its at least 8 feet of the ground. I could put them to ground level. Do you guys suggest this?
The only reason I keep them on the deck is to protect from insects. My deck is pretty elevated. Its at least 8 feet of the ground. I could put them to ground level. Do you guys suggest this?
i dont' think it would make adifference. i was more talking about a root ball buried in the ground vs not. white would help and a wrap with insulation would help too.
Thank you , sir. The old timer that took me under his wing 9 years ago passed away from the virus a few months back and took all his wisdom with him. So without my mentor I will be here to learn from you guys. Thanks everyone for taking the time.
Thanks guys. I never thought about the root ball temps either. Should I be using like those sheets of pink insulation to protect them and keep the temps down?
the insulation you talkabout sounds like a good idea, somthing white to cover your pots with will pushheat away from the pot, whare as something dark will hold the heat
Thank you , sir. The old timer that took me under his wing 9 years ago passed away from the virus a few months back and took all his wisdom with him. So without my mentor I will be here to learn from you guys. Thanks everyone for taking the time.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend. So sad...we're losing about 1,000 souls a day in the U.S. and it's just sort of become accepted.

I'd recommend wrapping your pots in something reflective--either white or even something like aluminum foil. Good luck. I'm sure between the ones in the earth and the ones in pots you'll make out fine come harvest time.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend. So sad...we're losing about 1,000 souls a day in the U.S. and it's just sort of become accepted.

I'd recommend wrapping your pots in something reflective--either white or even something like aluminum foil. Good luck. I'm sure between the ones in the earth and the ones in pots you'll make out fine come harvest time.
Thanks! Ya I know first hand. My 5 yr old daughter got it and passed it to me. I was in the hospital for a day. Month and a half later I still lose my breath.

On the plus side I was really able to up my grow game indoors. Did the hps,t5, led test in 3 tents. I would never of had the time to do that. Hps won.


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Soil in pots looses nutrients faster because it’s being fully drenched till the nutrients begin to runoff, that’s probably what’s happening to you
H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide, so yes, well water does not have that, the old guy is right, though rainwater does, for a short time.
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Soil in pots looses nutrients faster because it’s being fully drenched till the nutrients begin to runoff, that’s probably what’s happening to you
I have trays under them. In my tent I have a 4*8 huge tray and the runoff they seem to use and do well. Maybe I don't have
H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide, so yes, well water does not have that, the old guy is right, though rainwater does, for a short time.
What is your experience with well water and PH. When I was in the city my PH would be different in summer than winter water for some reason. I am still trying to figure out the well water. My basement flooded and I cant find my PH tester anywhere....Stoner moment. I have been just rolling with my regular feed and PH adjustment. Last night it dawned on me as I was staring at the yellow that maybe I have a lockout issue...This is where living in the middle of nowhere sucks. I cant just run out and get a PH tester and forget about amazon next day or even 4 day out here. I have seen your name anumber of times while researching topcat. Thanks for taking the time to help.
It's been a lot of years since I've tested my water. When I did, it was normal, just under 7. I'd guess, being in Michigan, your water is great, unless you're in Flint. I try to not overthink things (keep it stupid simple). Go by what's growing around you. If it's lush growth, you're good. I do want to get a full analysis of my water though, it's been on my mind list for a while now. With container growing, pH is more of an issue, so lime might be needed to mix with the (bagged) soil in the pot. I grow primarily in-ground, so I don't think about it much.