Went from outdoor to indoor now plant is dying


I moved A 3 1/2 week old plant indoors after its been outdoor its whole life now it's dying can someone explain to me why its dying and what I can do to help.


Well-Known Member
Should get an answer soon I am more of a hydro guy but def dont like the fact it is dying from the top down. What nutes are you useing


Just some random nutes that are 10/10/10 when I first watered it I burned it a little so I haven't given it nutes for a while.


Active Member
Thats from a lack of light.
I had a male plant that I took out of my grow room and it was so perfect looking that I didnt want to murder the mother fucker, so I just put it in the corner of my bedroom, which has low light levels. 2 weeks later it looked like your plant. Im not sure what happend to it, but I do know it from not having enough light.


Looks like you got stuck into the indoor nutes/chemicals when you moved it inside? its not lack of light, looks burnt, over fertilised. just use plain water for a while, might come good. Be careful not to overwater as it will likely need less now its inside.


I use the same soil indoors and out doors. I know it's not over fertilized or anything because when I over fed it the burn looked really different from that. I think it might be dying from lack of light or stress.


Does the plant look as if its stretching for light, moving chloroplasts from the bottom to the top growth? No?
Its after effects of whatever you've added to the soil mate.


Does the plant look as if its stretching for light, moving chloroplasts from the bottom to the top growth? No?
Its after effects of whatever you've added to the soil mate.
Nope no stretching at all and yeah I burned it with some nutes then I watered it with water from my filter I guess that could have hurt it.