went to germ a seed and...


Active Member
using the shotglass water method and it sank straight to the bottom immediatly, what does this mean?
it just means that it's not saturated with water. give it 24 hours and it'll rise to the surface. at that point put it in a moist paper towel and a dark area so that it'll germinate.


Well-Known Member
i dont do the shot glass method. i just put them in a moist paper towel keep it moist and in a week i see taproots.


moist paper towels, with a regular cloth kitchen towel to hold moisture in, and put it on your stereo or some place warm.. to hold in moisture and heat even better, put a plate on top of the plate you are using to hold the towels, and it will hold in the moisture, just be carefull removing the top plate, as beads of water will grow on it, and you dont want to dump it into the stereo or TV... so take it off ;)... max ive ever spent was 5 days, put em in the dirt after the small tap root shows, and it will be out within 3 days after that...


i used the shotglass method (i had some bag seeds that were 2years old), make sure it has alot of heat and darkness (i placed a bowl over it with some hand warmers) and keep an eye on it after 24 hours....i germd 3 and 1 sank (didnt sprout) 2 floated but one 1 of the two sprouted....not saying yours is not going to sprout just letting you know my experience


Well-Known Member
The seed may not sprout but you should go ahead and try the paper towel method anyways, good luck ;)


Active Member
its perfectly fine!
like the first post said after 24 hours itl prolly b at the surface!

i dont see why people bother with paper towels etc.... just soak in a shot glass for 25h and throw it in some wet dirt! job done!

paper towels are for ppl who cant stop looking!!! :P


Well-Known Member
I put mine right in red solo cups with soil and keep them moist. I've have stunted seedlings but I've never had bean not germ.


Well-Known Member
Shot glass method dosnt mean much to me. If it sloats its a dude? I've had then germ. Just give it a chance you never know.