Go to a local storage rental unit. Look for one, not on a major street, at the edge of the burbs or in a small town, close by. Rent a storage unit with eletricity. Completely box your grow box up, in a appliance cardboard box. Move it early morning, when there is plenty of traffic.
Put it in, have the wife sitting in the truck as your lookout. Get it operational, lock it up with a quality lock & leave. Go by once a week, always take your water & nutes in a cardboard box. Make sure the doors to your box, don't open, so anyone standing outside your unit, could see in. If the storage guy asks why you need electricity. Tell him your storing lumber & cabinet making supplies there. You will occassionally net to cut a piece of wood, that you will be taking home to your shop there. You just have more materials than you can keep at your small home wood working shop. Wink, Wink.. or something like that. Just have your story straight, so you can spit it out smoothly.....
Hope this helps...
I grew in a storage unit, in a small town, outside of San Diego for years. Make sure you pay for three months at a time. Don't keep your receipts where the kids will find them & never tell anyone what you are doing.
Hope this helps...