Destroy them immediately, or replace with tomatoes or something else - this is better because if the feds come knocking, they won't question why you have all the gardening equipment.
I highly suggest doing it pronto. Take it as a lesson that your grow room should of been locked, or that your stepson is nosy and shouldn't be allowed back into your home. Either way, I don't suggest keeping anything illegal in or around (yard, etc) your home for awhile.
The experience was good, but I doubt it will continue to be if you continue growing. Not just the risk of getting caught, but you'll be living in paranoia. Anytime you hear a cop car nearby, you'll freak. You'll worry that the feds are in your home when you're off to work, etc.. it's not pleasant - happened to me. In hindsight I'd choose to live in peace w/ no grow instead of paranoid 24/7 with a grow that is risking my freedom.
Only option to continue would be to move it... far away. Don't have it anywhere near your home. If the feds come with dogs, your busted. If you know anyone you trust VERY WELL - maybe you can donate the plants to them, but I don't recommend this because I personally wouldn't trust handing my freedom out to anyone.
You can grow again a while from now.. you're experienced and you'll get back to where you stopped in no time, better plants, etc. I suggest growing tomatoes for now and buying dime bags until you feel you can resume growing (at least 6 months to a year IMO).
Oh and tell your stepson that you no longer grow, show him your tomatoes so he stops spreading the word. You risk getting robbed/mugged. People have had break-ins and even been killed because the crooks heard these people are growing a lucrative crop.. don't put your freedom/lives/home at risk. Not worth it.