were you more nervous 4 your first born or your first grown LOL

hello fellows,

first grow germ'd 1/4 inch root-tip (2)lowryder in PT's in under 24hrs into 2gal pots in FFOS.260W cfls (= # of 27k n 65k ) at 18/6....18 mostly during nightime due to local temps 88+. growbox temp 84f to 92f. thats the best i can get...with a DIY swamp cooler LOL.
48hrs n no sprout.
no sprout yet. i'm freakin out. i know that i'm being an idiot and to wait...but i'm a noob so i'm going to freak ot anyways...LOL!!!!

question is were any of you old farts as nervous about your first born as you were your first grown....LOL!!!!!!

i'm jus going to listen to this till i see something....edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hPZFUz0YOY and watch this.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPyDY5aZyXs peace brothers n sisters,


Active Member
Haha, I have my first kid on the way in March of next year. Not nervous at all! But everytime I go into check my plant, Im like, "hope its alive, hope I didnt burn anything, hope those bugs are gone" lol. Compared to this, having the kid is gonna be simple!~
... i think/I KNOW i f-ed up. my pots were too dryi never watered the pots ful of FFOC before i put the seed+1/4' root tip at all...i think that was the prob.?.? .so i'm going to put 5 lowryders n 5 anesthesia f2 in tiny moist trays to see who sprout n put those in bigger pots n wait for the fems to show themselves. . i'm going to water the pots first full of distilled water n let it drain out...then plant the seed w/ root tip up/down/sideways....facing mecca or the full-moon or stonehenge...LOL!!!
man this is more of an ART than a science than i thought...LOL !!!
