
like I said they mean nothing.....cant hurt anyone but going to funnerals like that I feel makes em open game for an ass kicking.................killing means nothing......poof you dead.......but laying in the hospital with all you bones busted up in full body cast will stick with a person for a long time.
They dont go to homosexual soldier funerals, just iraq vet funerals in general. They say since they are fighting for america which lets gay do gay stuff then they deserve to die.

Ya. i understood ya man, freedom of speech and assembly and all that has its double edged sword i guess, we are allowed to make any personal choice we want, however if someone doesn't like, prepare for a bad time, homo's deserve it tho, creepy little fuckers
If thats the way our government thinks then why do we ever get involved in other countries? like WW2. It was hitlers choice to do that.

We cant always be nice and sit back.

I obviously know why our country does shit, money, but i just cant stand how the people of our country allow this crap.

Violence is something that is a part of the world. This is the kind of situation that calls for a measure of violence.
No you don't want to watch it. Try this one. It's manly and about football. It'll get that foul taste out of your mouth.

lol These fucks are a joke i would punch the shit out of somebody fuck if the cops were their whoever had a sign about our Soldiers would get dropped with a right hook
there are tons of stupid threads in this section on a regular basis, but recently people have been posting in them.
much worse SloJo....they go to furnerals of vets that died in IRAQ and have signs saying all miltary are fags and deserve to die and posters at the funnerals...........they do thier shit on street corners and the web I dont care......but stay away from the funnerals
yea I really wouldn't care about them if they didn't go to the funerals.
Used to live in Topeka kansas where they are from.
You wouldnt belive the shit theyve pulled over the years...
Fred Phelps is obsessed that gays are fucking in "Gage Park" an protested there for 9+years every day snow or shine. I would drive by an call them faggots every day I could, they hated that.
Ocassionaly they would decice that some buisness had hired gays (ususaly resteraunts) an would protest out front tell they had no buisness an closed the doors.
One time he broke into some local polititions email discoverd she had an affair an PLASTERED the town with flyers calling her a "Jezzabellian WHORE"
They always got camera guy filmin so they can prosicute any one who tuches em.
They are all Lawyers an Preachers, his Church is just his family lol.
Thew always beat any attempts to shut em up cause of freedom of speech an freedom of religon, the supreme court may rule on em soon..

Once they Threw red paint on famous Poet Mya Angelau, when she came to topeka.(I thought that was kinda funny )

He also looks like the evil guy off Phantasam movies....
About a month or two ago, we had one of their followers that would stand at the corner of Madison & Sunrise (major intersection here in the Sacramento area) with his "GOD HATES FAGS" sign. He ended up getting his ass beat by a passing motorist and hasn't been back since.
I Love when the westboro tries some shit like screaming "Nigger!" and stuff at a soldiers funeral, but that group of bikers swarms around them so they can't go anywhere, and drown them out with "god bless the USA"
Are you kidding me man?

"I don't like what someone has to say and daddy government won't come in and deny Constitutional rights so I'm going to take the law into my own hands and MURDER people."

If you don't like what someone says, and they're too stupid to understand your point of view, and too stubborn to change, why the fuck do you want their sappy ass on your team anyway?!

Nature will take care of them, you don't have to do shit.

What YOU propose is completely anti-American.

Think about it.


One aspect of free speech that some people miss is that sometimes one is confronted with speech he or she opposes.

My advice to the OP: Get over it. Those Loonie Tunes are exercising the same rights all Americans enjoy. If you don't like it, don't listen.

And ironically, the only people they are coming close to harming are actual Baptists by claiming an affiliation with that particular denomination.
I got an idea. You can walk into a gun store and walk out with a m-16 in america right?
Please tell me where I can walk into a gun store and walk out with an automatic weapon just like that.

Do you have any idea the legal and regulatory hoops one must jump through in order to purchase an automatic weapon in the U.S?

Obviously not.
that group of bikers are called the freedom riders. they escort at all the fallen military funerals. i've had the pleasure to see these brothers and sisters at work during a service here in the dallas area that the westboro church attended. from my understanding the westboro church depends on people assulting them so they can sue the town municipality for not providing enough security to keep them safe and this is how they fund their expensives.