Wet Bud


Well-Known Member
A long time to smoke with no too little high. Its gotta dry Man... :evil: At least try a quick dry..


Well-Known Member
would b shit .. taste like shit an hav a shit effect if u cant wait on it drying try putting it in the micro 4 a few sec,s wont effect thc will b dryer but will still taste shit


Well-Known Member
it will take a bit longer to smoke, smoke wont be as thick, wont burn as smoothly obviously. first 3 or 4 hits will be mostly water vapor, with a little thc. i would say its worth doing with a couple little nugs


thc is not as psychoactive until it is dried, if you are this hard up atleast dry it in the oven on warm untill it is as dry as weed you would normally smoke..it will be harsh but will get you much higher than trying to smoke wet weed..


Well-Known Member
Just place it on your monitor for a bit.
We've all been out of smoke before and understand....go for it!


Well-Known Member
yup thanks to videoman, Now I take a bit of thelower budsand water cure them. That way I don't end up dippin into my good stuff too soon. forget drying, also curing.


Well-Known Member
Just Wait Cuzz Let It Mature An Let It Cure Its A Waste Other Wise ,

LOL U MUST C BUDS AN YOUR EYES R SPINNING just wait will b worth it

If U Cant Wait Trim Some Leafs Rather Than Buds An Make Some Oil:joint: :joint: :joint: :joint:


Well-Known Member
dude if you have a hefty plant, at this point who cares if you take a little bottum bud or something off, and try smokin it wet. you will probably get a nice buzz, and its not the end of the world. if you only have that one plant and your thinkin of cuttin off a good chunk, then dont do it.


Active Member
it was jus a question ... iwasnt plannin on doin it
and wut does oil do???
i heard of brownies and cookies but not oil


Well-Known Member
:joint: honey oil is leathel !

i only made it 4 the 1st time last week with about 2 oz of trimmings an them small buds at the bottem they our good 2 for an extra boost i used a honey bee extracter 2 do this but 2 make 1 is easy just get all your trimmings and them little buds let dry well you can store an freeze if u like just the same as when curing buds an re-dry them again

then get a plastic bottle 250ml works best put a hole on the bottle top (for
butane gas) and about 6-7 holes at the bottem then cut some cheese paper an place on the bottem of the bottle for the oil and gas 2 come out
(there could be somthing better to use then cheese paper quote me if im wrong)

then when you have your dryed trimming (they most be dry till a crisp )
fill the bottle with all the trimmings an bud have a bowl ready to catch the gas and oil
hold the bottle over the bowl and fill the bottle wth gas untill empty

once the bowl is filled with butane set the boil on some boiled water or a hot water bottle an let the gas cook ,

When the gas cooks an bubbles away you will b left with some lovely honey oil


:joint: :joint: :joint: :joint: :joint: :joint: :joint: :joint: :hump:


Well-Known Member
Can Hardly See You Buzzing Of A Wet Imature Bud
Your Head Might Be Buzzin With Pain Tho