honey oil is leathel !
i only made it 4 the 1st time last week with about 2 oz of trimmings an them small buds at the bottem they our good 2 for an extra boost i used a honey bee extracter 2 do this but 2 make 1 is easy just get all your trimmings and them little buds let dry well you can store an freeze if u like just the same as when curing buds an re-dry them again
then get a plastic bottle 250ml works best put a hole on the bottle top (for
butane gas) and about 6-7 holes at the bottem then cut some cheese paper an place on the bottem of the bottle for the oil and gas 2 come out
(there could be somthing better to use then cheese paper quote me if im wrong)
then when you have your dryed trimming (they most be dry till a crisp )
fill the bottle with all the trimmings an bud have a bowl ready to catch the gas and oil
hold the bottle over the bowl and fill the bottle wth gas untill empty
once the bowl is filled with butane set the boil on some boiled water or a hot water bottle an let the gas cook ,
When the gas cooks an bubbles away you will b left with some lovely honey oil