Depends on a few things, like the time of year, and whether its an indoor or outdoor. My outdoor is really too big a crop for me to process alone, so I wet trim for the speed. The rest has to do with RH. If I have a decently dry space to dry in (indoors in the winter), I'll just cut the big fan leaves so that it dries a little more slowly and evenly.
But for instance right now I'm drying my outdoor in a garage where I have a very limited ability to dehumidify, and the native RH is way wetter than I'd like, so I definitely wet trim to let the bud breath as much as possible. Not optimal, just my current reality.
If someone is in the SW the best answer might be very different than if they are the NW. Different people have different amounts of control over their environments, and different native environments. I suppose that's mostly a note for newbies -- when you read advice its doesn't always come with the background of location and other factors that impact the results.