Whadda Think??


IMAG0431.jpgIMAG0438[1].jpgIMAG0444[1].jpgIMAG0439[1].jpgIMAG0440[1].jpgIMAG0441[1].jpgIMAG0442[1].jpg Took my girls from outside in from the cold they never got that big but im curious would they bud more than this ?? Its my second time growing any hints tips and such would be great !


Well-Known Member
You got a little while til maturity, in Pa. my plants can take a couple of frosts, I imagine Maine a little cooler ,looking good though.


Active Member
Yea none of your hairs are red yet, you got some time to go (depending on strain /area/time) but they will swell as they mature more


Ursus marijanus
You lost your fan leaves, and those would have provided the power for more growth. At this point I'll say you can gain ripeness and quality but not much more weight. cn