what 1 better to use fertilers


Active Member
I been using miracle grow rose plant food I got some hydroponic-research veg+bloom. What 1 is better n why thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
i don't think hydro vs soil matters much when coming to fertilizer, the main difference is gonna be the pH of the stuff, and even then, ive bought stuff with wacky pH, like 4 or 11 or some other stupid way off number. but the nutrients/ingredients are pretty much the same

whats the NPK of each?
either way, week 2 of flower, you need a lot of N, a small amount of P, and an even smaller amount of everything else.

if you have 2 bottles of nutrients, use both, just figure out a good ratio. the thing is one company´s bottle might contain a trace element the other doesn´t have, and vice versa.