What about illadelph?

does it worth to buy illadelph?

  • yes

    Votes: 5 62.5%
  • no

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • idk

    Votes: 1 12.5%

  • Total voters

Jim K

New Member
i'm in pennstate and recently stopped by a new illadelph headshop. they have a lot high end glass brands but i was interested in illadelph, bongs look cool but kind of pricy for me. are Illadelph still in top and it worths to buy a piece or their time has passed away as it happened to roor? i made a small research but all iscussions about them stopped like 5 years ago. need your opinion guys.
sorry I don't...I spent most of my 18th on my knees in Penn Treaty Park though...better view of the river.
Was somewhere down between Summerset and Allegheney not far from Kensington Ave. I don't remember it's been over a decade since I lived in pa but I do remember the dude, he was from chester county and I an pretty sure he is the one who started illadelph at least that's the Intel I got last time I visited. I'm sure they're quality pieces I remember he used to do a sic ass honeycomb on huge meaty pieces of class 15 or 18 years ago or so