What age did u start


Well-Known Member
Oh oh! Funny high school bong story.
We were partiyng at some house and we broke out the bong.I had some killer and we started passing it around. Wasgood stuff. This one chick who was standing didnt smoke a lot but did right there. Next thing you know shes looking a lil green/gray and all of a sudden tip forward and fell forehead first like a board. Was hilarious. She was all right after for anyone horrified by this and even laughing about it


Active Member
ive been smokin about 36 yrs now, im 54 yrs young, rolled in wheatstraw papers, lids , about an ounce or usually more cost 10 bucks and the cops wanted to hang you for being a drug addict.
i started growing almost imediatly outdoors, the war on drugs had not started yet.


Well-Known Member
started at 13 and am 17. 4 years goin strong lol:blsmoke:
I started at 14, turning 17.
My first ever used smoking tool was my sisters 2 ft. tall slider bong.
Well i started when i was 14 now im 16, i first smoked a joint with one of my friends
Started at 11 im 14 now lol and i smoke about 3 times on the week day and about 5 on the weekend first time was in a blunt i dont remember what kind of weed it was
iv been smoking for 4 years. since i was 10 haha

wow, busy morning for me. :shock:

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
12 and im 20 now, smoke every day, gives a nice argument when people try and say how weed is a drug but if i drank the way ive been blazing i would be hella fat and a raging angry alcoholic


New Member
Wow! I started young! I got high for the first time with my uncle out of a joint when I was 8. Started smoking with mom at 13, and have never looked back. Get baked everyday, just not with mom so much anymore =P
I'm 36 now BTW.

Silent Running

Active Member
this one's fresh. :fire:
What's sad is he saw your previous post and still posted being under the age. :dunce:

No one reads the rules when they sign up to a forum. Why that's just ludicrous! :eyeroll:

If you are 18 or under, YOU MUST LEAVE NOW.
We are serious about this.
And to answer a old ass topic....I got a late start. 20...which was 5 years ago.


Well-Known Member
The first time I tried weed, I was 11 years old in 6th grade (almost 30 years ago) - man I feel OLD. LOL

It was a nickel bag (an eighth that three of us chipped in and paid $5 for) of brown shake that was almost half seeds. hehe
You arent alone man ....41 years ago i was 12...not only do I FEEL old, I AM old, lol. Bought 3 joints of Panama red for a buck. The first one didn't do shit, but the SECOND one knocked me for a fuckin loop.

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
You arent alone man ....41 years ago i was 12...not only do I FEEL old, I AM old, lol. Bought 3 joints of Panama red for a buck. The first one didn't do shit, but the SECOND one knocked me for a fuckin loop.
Panama red? I would have ripped those joints open in search of a fucking seed of that beautiful ancient strain.
Wow...this thread made me realize that I have literally been smoking half my life :) Started at 15, turn 30 er, ah..."soon" LOL

God I'm schnockerd bongsmilie