I was extremely strong, agile and athletic until I hit my 30's and my ankle and knee issues became limiting. Even at 45 I could run down little kids playing back yard football tho. Except for adult pick up sports I was still strong like my twenties well into my mid 40's since I worked in manufacturing. I hiked and toted little boats to get to the most obscure creeks fishable until about 43. I could party all day and all night until the wee hours the next day. My shoulders started bothering me tho and I started feeling aches and pains around 47. At 45 I still had sex 5 or 6 times some days with 3-4 being a given. At 45 I could still kill a litre of whiskey every day. At 48-49 I started having stomach issues. I can not drink like I could. Smoking has taken a serious toll on my breathing. I still have sex but not as frequently. I can still do stuff, but my mind is not as sharp and quick witted as it once was. My hair has thinned a little but still has very little gray and no blad spots yet. I always looked 10 years younger, but now I would say I look my age around 45-50. I still see people 5-10 years younger that older than me tho. I was always thinner until I hit about 46 and started getting pudgy. I am not as active as I used to be.
I'm gonna say, for me and the hard life I've done to my body after 45 is the downside. But, compared to some younger and my age I am still pretty strong. Yet, there are others my age who took better care of themselves and are in much better shape.