what all do i need


Well-Known Member
The light will. You will need to pick the correct fixture or reflector to get it to fit though.
There must be several grow journals on this site with people using the secret jardin.
I'd look at 10-15 of them real quick and take notice to what lights people are using in them
and what kind of results they are having.


Active Member
I need it around 5.5 high is the obly issue to fit in closet the one u showed me glad would work great. Will it ladt 2-3 years n hold carbon filter n all the good ol stuff


Active Member
I wanna use hps i could always stick wit cfls but wanna do 4 plants n hope to harvest 4 zips+ every 3 mos


Well-Known Member
the secret jardin was about 150.00 more (per tent), than the others i was gonna buy. thats 300.00 more than i could have spent. 300 more on 2 zips of fire, 3 hookers for the night, ect. they do have a secret jardin tent thats 5' or 5.5', perfect for your use. you get what you pay for. either buy a elcheapo tent and have it last maby 1 grow, or buy a higher quality tent and have it last 3+grows. bottom line its your call and your money.


Active Member
Ya the jardin is a 2x2x5 it good size for hight for me n only wanted to do 4 plants for now but wanted a 400 hps says they recommend a 250 for that tent maybe ill just have to buy a 250 cooltube n deal wit it would 4 plants under a 250 yield ruffley 4 zips per harvest


Well-Known Member
in my 4x4x7 tent, i was planning on only flowering 4 plants at a time in either 3g or 5 gallon pots with little room left over. in a 2x2 room, i dont think you'll get 4 plants in there in 3 gallon pots. you might, but its gonna be super tight. not sure about the yeild of a 250. im hoping to get 2.5/plant in my grow.


Well-Known Member
In a closet, handled carefully, I think the cheaper one would hold up. Honestly I'd call them and ask them flat-out about a 400 watt in cool tube.
I would want to flower with anything under that and I've ran 400s in both mine when I used them. I did have a top-of-the-line vortex fan cooling
them though.


Active Member
Ya even 3 id be happy drop a bean in every 3 weeksso every 3 or maybe 2 i can harvest lil something 1st few times then go for doing4 or 3 at once in tent or that a bad idea


Active Member
Glad if i grab one u showed n threw a 400 cooltube what all else do i need how many fans i wanba get a carbon filter no smell is a must what cfm fans should i look into?


i would go 2x2 x5 m8 with 400 hps,,6" extraction fan and cabon filter will get rid ov any smell,also have 4" Intake pipe coming in from outside if poss,,should be spot on fr 4 girls,,,ive got a 2x2x2 tent ,off ebay brand new for 99quid,(BARGAIN) 6" extraction fan and 6" intake,oh ,and rhino carbon filter,..no smell at all m8...and btw i hav a 9pot WILMA system self feed dripkit supplied,(also on ebay,u can get 4pot wilmas aswll cheap brand new,,) i only use 1 600w duel spec with a 1mtr parabolic shade (also ebay 30quid) and it covers my system sweet,, im 5wks into flower now and i gt buds like donkeys dicks..goin on top shooter 2nyt which will double bud size in 3wks..i use HOUSE AND GARDEN NUTES best on market in my opinion m8..good luck 2 u dude in ur adventure , think of it as a hobby n learn frm mistakes ,,,u will be fine..PEACE :)


try get a strong CFL 4 when vegging 1st few wks 250w or 300 ,,cheap as chips 2 run and heat ok,,then hit em with the hps few wks ,,they should be good size 2 flower then, i use 300 cfl on other sid of my room to get my youngers up then soon as my crop finished and dried , youngers are nice n big to take cuttings and go sr 8 into flower ,continuos cycle,then im only waiting for flower time every crop ,,,1 lot out next lot in ,,BAZINGA--!! hope dis helps dude..


tbh dudes ,,i dnt even use an inline fan,,just the flexi 6" on oppositie side 2 extraction fan but at the bottom ov tent wall,,,mainly coz i wanna keep my elecy cost low as poss,,and obv a 10'' osc fan hung up moving air around tent,,wen tent is zipped up extraction fan creates a vaccume effect and pulls in clean air from ootside,,my humidity and temps are always tickadyboo,,,,,,,ryt ,,light just came on,,im off too change feed ,,,TIME 4 TOP SHOOTER T DO SUM DAMADGE---YEEHA-- back soon dudes..


i use sytemair extract ,,cheap enuff,,but u can calculate widthxlenght xheight of grow room and theres sites what cn tell ya exactly wat size fan u need to exchange ryt amount of air so many times per hour ,,,ebay dude,,theres hundreds fr sale 4 cheap'..:)


Active Member
Just look for one around 200cfm ? Now exhaust is tookin care of what should i use for intake does it matter what 400 hps cooltube i get?? And carbon filter what kind shpuld i be lookin into