What am i doing wrong

Okay i have three plants that i have been concentrating on for a minute. They are about four inches tall. My first problem is their roots have not fully developed after a month. [Also i was using the wrong lights(2500k) but about a week ago changed it to 6700k hopefully this has no effects.] Secondly, they are just about four inches. The only change i have noticed since switching the lights are way more leaves but still no vertical growth. [The plants are about an inch under the light]. How do i achieve vertical growth. This week i moved them from 24 hour lighting to 18light 6 dark.


Active Member
i have been concentrating on for a minute.

i was using the wrong lights

Secondly, they are just about four inches

This week i moved them from 24 hour lighting to 18light 6 dark.

im not even going to answer to this, some people should really do a bit of research;)