What am I doing wrong?

keep it going my friend u are going to make it ;)
do u know what strains these are? and of course its an auto?
looks like u have overwatered ........your soil has nutes in it already.................slam the lights down ............fill your pots..........dude u shouldnt need to water a plant that size in a pot that size for like 3 weeks or sumthin u really should start in a smaller pot next time
Big buddah cheese and they're not auto. Hopefully they'll make it

wow friend u've messed it i am new at this but i have read some things first.. only autos can handle 24/7 light the photopiriod ones must start at 18/6 for veg and then turn at 12/12 thats why u've messed it turn them now mabe u can save them. and of course as a friend above told u these photopiriod strains must veg with 6500k and then for bloom turn them on 2700k lets hope ;)
wow friend u've messed it i am new at this but i have read some things first.. only autos can handle 24/7 light the photopiriod ones must start at 18/6 for veg and then turn at 12/12 thats why u've messed it turn them now mabe u can save them. and of course as a friend above told u these photopiriod strains must veg with 6500k and then for bloom turn them on 2700k lets hope ;)
Hmm i'll give it a go and see what happens
NO its still alive, thats a good thing, just keep her going.
O and i am not new at this, and the dark thing does have more to do with it than you think. But what do i know? ;)

i wasnt saying you dont know anything, i was just saying i dont think thats his major issue at all.. message me about your ae86.. im a huge car fanatic
It's amazing to me that the plants have grown so little in a month yet don't look too bad. I mean, they look more like two week old seedlings, but they're not totally locked out, obviously, because they're still alive and growing ever so slightly. I would guess that it's lockout but not complete. I bet they can be revived, but I'm strictly hydro so I'm not sure how.

Just thought I'd throw in my dos centavos.
NO its still alive, thats a good thing, just keep her going.
O and i am not new at this, and the dark thing does have more to do with it than you think. But what do i know? ;)

Dark isn't needed when growing MJ.. I've had my lights on 24/0 for 2 years in veg, and over mother plants... they don't get cranky, they just grow.. cause they aren't people, people need sleep. C3 plants however do not sleep or need dark peroids to flourish.

I am going to put out there that the twisted growth is from ph swings... but it could also be RH issues...I'd have to go check your RH.
They are stunted cause the lights are too far away.
I don't grow in soil.. I grow hydro.. pots are right in the nutes.. so I don't know whether the same type of growth in soil is associated with the same things.. could be over watering.. but haven't ever seen an over watered plant first hand to know.
:wall: Ya Bro those plants are relly small for being 4 weeks old my plants are about that size if not biger at about 1-2weeks... I really think you started the nutes way to early to cause there is nutes in your soil already unless you using soilless... And your also watering to often you should always let the top of your soil get crusty and wen you put your finger 2-4 inches in the soil and its getting dry then you can water them but def let them dry out a lil... I would only water that big of a pot maybe 1 a week... I would prob skip the nutes and do just plain PH balanced water for like the next 3-4 waterings if your doing it 2 times a week... and Some people like to mix there lamps using both at the same time 2700k and 6500k but really they like the light from the 6500k more during veg... So my recamend is as follows-

1. No more nutes for about 2 weeks Only PH adjusted water
2. use less 2700k more 6500k
3. Lower your lights to about 2-4 inches away from the plant
3. Go buy a moister meter...(Not very much)
4. Go buy a PH tester( ITS A MUST) $20 for a pretty good one at Home Depot

then post some more pix and let us see... Good Luck:leaf::leaf::leaf:
Thanks bro! They have been revived with some 25w 6500k cfl's I bought (4 out of the 5 im using because I dont have another bulb holder), I've had them on for about 14hours and can see good results, leafs are getting bigger :D. I'll see how much PH and moisture meters are on ebay now :). I'll post pics tomorrow as im at the gf's lol
After about 18-20 hours with the new 6500k 25w bulb's


At the moment I cant be bothered to make reflectors so I've just stuck foil everywhere lol
I've grown with 24 hour veg times for 10 years now and I've never had any problems with it. I've ran side by side against 18/6 and couldn't notice any difference in the end. I have only vegged with T12's, T8's, T5's and CFL's though. If I was vegging with a 1000 watt MH, I'd be running 18/6 only to save money on electricity.

Glad to see they're back to growing! Just keep at it pal.
As others have said the dark time is irrelevant. I would be MOSTLY suspicious of nute lock, CHECK YOUR PH! This will cause stunting! I had some stunting issues and nute issues, instead of using tap water I started pulling from the creek. They perked right up and started growing very quickly again after a week. I don't see any signs of nute burn or lack of light or anything like that, I would strongly suspect PH issues. Also what are your temps at?
your better off without foil..it causes heat spots and will burn your plants

I wouldn't worry ONE bit with foil and hot spots, this just keeps getting posted around as if its fact or something to worry about. Yes it could POSSIBLY happen but I HIGHLY doubt it, especially with something like CFLs, they just don't produce the light to create hot spots.
Ive just ordered 5x 25w 6500k cfl's

mate, your lights are fine apart from the distance, CFLS must be kept close - you loose lumen's the further away you have them to the plant. But on the other hand the nutes.. have you read the NPK of tomoroite.. I have, your using way too much also. You should be using about half of what it says on bottle, and every other feeding. when did you start feeding her nutes?
Ive scrapped the grow above now mate, now growing lemon skunk instead but having growing issues with that aswell how many 45w 6500k bulbs should i be using? I have 4 on at the moment, also water and soil PH what should they be at? Ive just ordered the testers and a thermometer from ebay