what am i doing wrong?


this is my first grow,my plants are 19 days old,.i have seen alot of plants online at 19 days old and most of them are 2-3 times bigger than mine.do they look healthy?are'nt they way too small for there age?i have them under a 600 watt mh,18/6 light cycle,about 1 ft 3 inches from plants,the temps stay between 70-82 degrees,,i use fox farm ocean forest.i have only waterd twice so far,once when i transplanted (without nutes in the water) then agin a few days ago(with only a little drop of dyna-gro grow 7-9-5,in a gallon of water)i didnt use the hole the gallon,only enough until it drained a lil form the bottom of the pots.

also,does it look like its a good possiblility that the plant on the left is the white widow?i have noticed that the leafs are more narow and longer than the the plant on the right.i was that the big bud will have more shorter /fatter leafs. i got the widow and big bud mixed up when transplanting lol/

and srry for the shitty pics,i had to use an old laptop cam


i have no idea y it posted 6 of the same pic :( srry



Active Member
FFOF has a lot of nutes in it to begin with. Once ur plant eats up most of that it will start to grow bigger. Give it another week or 2 and it should explode.


FFOF has a lot of nutes in it to begin with. Once ur plant eats up most of that it will start to grow bigger. Give it another week or 2 and it should explode.

i didnt know it evan had nutes lol,so i shouldnt give them any nutes until 2 more


Well-Known Member
Hasn't been mentioned yet so I'll chime in with a couple things. Nevermind was going to say light but you have plenty. The one thing I guess is it could be strain specific. The strain I have now veg.s out incredibly slow, like yours up there maybe even a little smaller at 19 days even though everything is set-up perfect. GL to ya, their looking good.


Well-Known Member
yeah fox farm has nutes in the soil so try just plain water half a gal every few days. when you notice growth slows or the leaves start to turn slightly lighter green then feed with your nutes at 1/4 strengh , increasing a extra 1/4 each week till full strengh


Well-Known Member
Your plants look fine. Don't compare them to any other person's plant. I see a lot of "2 week old" plants on this site that I know are way older.

You got good color and decent foliage so just keep on keeping on.


Well-Known Member
Your plants look fine. Don't compare them to any other person's plant. I see a lot of "2 week old" plants on this site that I know are way older.

You got good color and decent foliage so just keep on keeping on.
i agree with aimaim. they look okay. they will take off soon.... if you start having crappy looking leaves in 2-3 weeks, the problem will probably be cal-mag problems. when i first started out, i kept getting crappy looking leaves everytime about a month in. being new to it i thought i was either over/under feeding them. (using ocean forrest soil) it turned out that it was cal-mag defficiency. i use botanicare cal-mag plus. it clears it right up. i wish i would have figured that out a lot sooner than i did. not saying for sure that u will have these problems, but i always did with ocean forrest. just keep in mind that if you start seeing problems in 2-3 weeks that is probably what it is. just try adding a teaspoon of calmag plus to your regular nute schedule first before adding too much nutes or slacking on them thinking its a nute problem. i wish someone had told me about it when i first started. that's just my 2 cents, i'm sure someone on here will hate on me, but hopefully this will help you in the future. it is a lesson that took me a long time to learn starting out...............................your plants are looking fine boss. keep it up


Well-Known Member
sometimes it just seems like it takes forever for them to get out of that seedling stage. some strains worse than others.


Well-Known Member
See the chart ...INSERT? for a better understanding of your current distance and keep a small fan in Mh dist chart.JPEGthere, plants gotta breathe too ...yo!


i agree with aimaim. they look okay. they will take off soon.... if you start having crappy looking leaves in 2-3 weeks, the problem will probably be cal-mag problems. when i first started out, i kept getting crappy looking leaves everytime about a month in. being new to it i thought i was either over/under feeding them. (using ocean forrest soil) it turned out that it was cal-mag defficiency. i use botanicare cal-mag plus. it clears it right up. i wish i would have figured that out a lot sooner than i did. not saying for sure that u will have these problems, but i always did with ocean forrest. just keep in mind that if you start seeing problems in 2-3 weeks that is probably what it is. just try adding a teaspoon of calmag plus to your regular nute schedule first before adding too much nutes or slacking on them thinking its a nute problem. i wish someone had told me about it when i first started. that's just my 2 cents, i'm sure someone on here will hate on me, but hopefully this will help you in the future. it is a lesson that took me a long time to learn starting out...............................your plants are looking fine boss. keep it up
thanks for the info,i will deff keep that in mind