What am I missing in my room


Well-Known Member
I have a spare bed room for a grow room 13'x13'x8'. I have 2 6" XXXL hoods with 1000W HPS bulbs with an 8" vortex fan to cool the hoods. My last girl I had Powdery Mold issues. What am I missing what do I need to have a successful problem free grow?

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
low humidity, sulfer burner. i didn't hear anything bout a carbon filter, a/c. those things are good. gives you more control over your enviroment.


Well-Known Member
Ive been looking into a dehumidifier and a portable a/c unit. no need for a carbon filter. What about air exhaust I also have a 6" Vortex. Should i cut another hole in the ceiling and use it for exhausting my room?


Well-Known Member
Co2 and a ppm controller. Dehumidifier is key. Several powerful oscilating fans. Panda film to cover the floor.

And, probably most importantly, you need to rent an ozone generator and ozone the living shit out of that room and your house to KILL ALL the mold spores. Ozone is the ONLY effective way sans scrubbing every inch of you house with vinegar. Plus it only takes a couple hours and your house will smell nice and fresh.

Kill the spores dude.


Well-Known Member
I keep an Ocillating fan blowing across my girls 24/7 once I start my grow . I don't turn it off until I am done trimming the harvest .


Well-Known Member
ventilation, dude!
air movement around the plants = stronger stems, healthier plants.


Active Member
http://cheaphydroponics.com/Merchant2/cfmcalc.htm cool cfm calc...

use your exhaust fan at the top of your room and make sure you have an "passive" intake hole cut out that is a little smaller than the exhaust so negative pressure is created...this will keep odor in and only going through the exhaust. There are many DIY carbon filters you can make to put on either side of the fan for your exhaust. Its easier on the fan to pull air out than to push it out...i use the home depot inline duct fans on my tent and they work great since i have them PULLING air and not PUSHING AIR...it seems that you lose less cfms this way, ducting and air bends will reduce cfm rating...you can use a lighter to make sure air is being sucked in...


Ventilation is key, next i have to agree if you can fit put a fan in there to blow on plants and move air around....it will make your stems stronger so when your plant gets massive it can support itself and focus more on beneficial growth.

make sure you are completely light proof!


Well-Known Member
If i am able to keep the door to my grow room open all day how important is exhausting the room?


Active Member
My first grow had pm troubles also.Made a 16 in table out of plywood cut big hole in center.Have fan right underneath blowing strait up.Plus an osilating fan blowing on girls.Just came up with this and ah be dam works real good.


Well-Known Member
you will still need fans to keep the air moving . I also don't use exaust vent because I can keep the door open all day , thats why I still use two fans blowing all day .
If i am able to keep the door to my grow room open all day how important is exhausting the room?


Active Member
Uhm, stagnant house air aint ventilation, thus, NO VENTILATION = MOULD ISSUES....
exactly....you need an intake fan blowing fresh air in, an exhaust fan sucking air out, and desk fans keeping the air inside the room moving..
a dehumidifier or sulfer burner would really help also!!!