What are Biden's foreign policies?

Seriousness is a good thing and something we've been lacking, but it's ancillary to the core issues of honesty, integrity, etc. We as a nation are falling short in this category, yes, some more than others, but neither group are above the neutral line and into the "good" category. The two groups are below that bar, again yes, one much further down. Dems are only "good" if we're norm-referenced grading.
That just sounds like more hocus pocus to me.

Im not saying that the right wing propaganda effort is not using flat out lies and gas lighting to con their cultists along with the evangelicals and that they are using the same tools to spread the nonsense to who they categorize as 'left', but I have not seen enough evidence of actual Democrats in office being trolls to say it is in any way a trend or anything.

There is too much competition in the Democratic party anymore. And they are not just competing to be the biggest a-hole like the Republicans. It is worth actually looking at some of the politicians that the Democrats have in office. It is pretty awesome group of people that truly represent the entire nations population and not just a bunch of rich white men.
If I wanted to troll, I wouldn't waste my time in some dusty corner of a weed blog. I'd work undercover for the DNC telling lies about Bernie Sanders and calling people Russian assets on Twitter and being followed by thousands of gullible liberals ( ALSO SEE : The Lincoln Project) , like "Brooklyn Dad". He just got caught and is trending on Twitter. He's very popular with the Resistance and HRC dead-enders. Pays pretty well! $57,000 isn't chump change.

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Trump just made a $30 million deposit into his PAC that he can basically use as his own. The money was raised using false claims about election fraud.

You: but I have the tweet about somebody I don't know that made unsubstantiated claims about Democrats being dirty.
That just sounds like more hocus pocus to me.

Im not saying that the right wing propaganda effort is not using flat out lies and gas lighting to con their cultists along with the evangelicals and that they are using the same tools to spread the nonsense to who they categorize as 'left', but I have not seen enough evidence of actual Democrats in office being trolls to say it is in any way a trend or anything.

There is too much competition in the Democratic party anymore. And they are not just competing to be the biggest a-hole like the Republicans. It is worth actually looking at some of the politicians that the Democrats have in office. It is pretty awesome group of people that truly represent the entire nations population and not just a bunch of rich white men.

Didn't say anything about trolling though. My complaint with dems is that they also feed the corporate machine. Referring just to elected officials here.
Trump just made a $30 million deposit into his PAC that he can basically use as his own. The money was raised using false claims about election fraud.

You: but I have the tweet about somebody I don't know that made unsubstantiated claims about Democrats being dirty.

good. i heard he has a few bills coming due soon.
What I don't get is why everybody -and Biden in particular- just let Trump stomp all over them while it's so easy to call out his BS..... Trump talks about Biden cuddling up to the Chinese? Sure, buddy, who's building a great wall here and who has a secret Chinese bank account? Trump says Biden is too old and weak to be president? Sure Mr. morbidly obese president, do 1 single pushup for the cameras to show us all what great shape YOU are in. etc etc etc. Same with this crap. Trump has been calling out life long republicans for fakers and posers while he himself is on record calling republican voters dumb idiots who believe everything they see on Fox. And these dumb fools who vote for him don't even care.... All those deeply religious retards who think Biden, a life long church attendant, is the devil and Trump -who only goes to the church to have his picture taken and couldn't name 1 psalm if his life depended on him - is their true savior...RIIIIIGHT.... Sure, they are religious people so they never were the brightest bulbs to begin with but how f*cking dimwitted can you get??
Didn't say anything about trolling though. My complaint with dems is that they also feed the corporate machine. Referring just to elected officials here.
You mean Americans who work and run those corporations? And the pensions of all the workers in America who have money invested in how well our economy does? I am ok with the fact that Democrats care about all Americans, even the only ones that the Republicans legislate for.

What I don't get is why everybody -and Biden in particular- just let Trump stomp all over them while it's so easy to call out his BS..... Trump talks about Biden cuddling up to the Chinese? Sure, buddy, who's building a great wall here and who has a secret Chinese bank account? Trump says Biden is too old and weak to be president? Sure Mr. morbidly obese president, do 1 single pushup for the cameras to show us all what great shape YOU are in. etc etc etc. Same with this crap. Trump has been calling out life long republicans for fakers and posers while he himself is on record calling republican voters dumb idiots who believe everything they see on Fox. And these dumb fools who vote for him don't even care.... All those deeply religious retards who think Biden, a life long church attendant, is the devil and Trump -who only goes to the church to have his picture taken and couldn't name 1 psalm if his life depended on him - is their true savior...RIIIIIGHT.... Sure, they are religious people so they never were the brightest bulbs to begin with but how f*cking dimwitted can you get??
I agree. I am not sure the politics of it, but I would love if Democrats started just explaining to people that no, they don't eat babies and have never been sworn into some crazy conspiracy group.

They do push back, but it just all gets so drowned out by the stupid propagandist trolls trying like hell to rewrite history one spammed useful idiot at a time.
What I don't get is why everybody -and Biden in particular- just let Trump stomp all over them while it's so easy to call out his BS..... Trump talks about Biden cuddling up to the Chinese? Sure, buddy, who's building a great wall here and who has a secret Chinese bank account? Trump says Biden is too old and weak to be president? Sure Mr. morbidly obese president, do 1 single pushup for the cameras to show us all what great shape YOU are in. etc etc etc. Same with this crap. Trump has been calling out life long republicans for fakers and posers while he himself is on record calling republican voters dumb idiots who believe everything they see on Fox. And these dumb fools who vote for him don't even care.... All those deeply religious retards who think Biden, a life long church attendant, is the devil and Trump -who only goes to the church to have his picture taken and couldn't name 1 psalm if his life depended on him - is their true savior...RIIIIIGHT.... Sure, they are religious people so they never were the brightest bulbs to begin with but how f*cking dimwitted can you get??
The Constitution was written to enable a radical minority to hold onto power. As shown just a few weeks ago, if a radical minority controls the Senate and vote as as a bloc, the Senate can protect the President from removal from office.

What would you have Democrats do during Trump's reign? We stopped him from taking complete control of our government and are now rolling back his policies. Are you suggesting that Democrats should have overthrown the election as Trump tried to do, except do it better and do it four years earlier?
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Didn't say anything about trolling though. My complaint with dems is that they also feed the corporate machine. Referring just to elected officials here.
Most people like their representation in Washington DC.
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Didn't say anything about trolling though. My complaint with dems is that they also feed the corporate machine. Referring just to elected officials here.

no one fed the corporate machine more than Dotard are you forgetting his $2T 'Keep more of YOUR money Act'?

forget infrastructure- we don't need it.
You mean Americans who work and run those corporations? And the pensions of all the workers in America who have money invested in how well our economy does? I am ok with the fact that Democrats care about all Americans, even the only ones that the Republicans legislate for.

I haven't forgotten the bailout. Not really a fan of allowing big corps to privatize profits and subsidize losses.

I'm pretty satisfied with my representation in DC. In fact most people like their representatives. I think you are complaining about the wrong thing.

Yeah but the conversation wasn't me saying something bad about dems in a standalone sense, like I just felt the need to come here and complain about dems. The context was that reps are shit and that dems aren't perfect either. He's taking objection to that, so now that's been pulled out and is becoming a singular point of focus by hannimal, not myself.

My representatives suck, always complaining about masks and closed schools. You'd think being in California, we'd all be pretty liberal, but it's really only liberal around LA/SF/Sac, but once you get outside of those regions, it's red as fk.

no one fed the corporate machine more than Dotard are you forgetting his $2T 'Keep more of YOUR money Act'?

forget infrastructure- we don't need it.

Gais, life isn't norm referenced grading. It's not like it's fine to rape two women because someone else raped fifty. All I did was say reps raped fifty and dems raped two, and you're getting mad because of it. Not gonna play this game of not acknowledging realities because I don't like them. We should be more critical of those we like than those we don't, that's what improving your cause looks like. What hurts it, is ignoring the imperfections because someone else is worse, even if they're much worse.

I've said my piece on the subject, not gonna go back and forth. Have at it.
Yeah but the conversation wasn't me saying something bad about dems in a standalone sense, like I just felt the need to come here and complain about dems. The context was that reps are shit and that dems aren't perfect either. He's taking objection to that, so now that's been pulled out and is becoming a singular point of focus by hannimal, not myself.

My representatives suck, always complaining about masks and closed schools. You'd think being in California, we'd all be pretty liberal, but it's really only liberal around LA/SF/Sac, but once you get outside of those regions, it's red as fk.
I'm not quite sure what you are complaining about. Would you prefer a government that is hostile to businesses? How far down this path do you want to go?

Regarding representation, if elections are free and fair and you still don't like where this country is headed, then maybe you should be looking at yourself and your expectations more carefully. This country has a lot more conservative people in it than liberals want to believe. Republicans are doing their utmost to prevent free and fair elections but Democrats aren't. So, if you feel your rep didn't win fair and square in your area, don't blame Democrats.
The Constitution was written to enable a radical minority to hold onto power. The Senate and the President can both be controlled by a minority that holds the support of a minority group. When they vote as a bloc, the Senate can protect the President from removal from office.

What would you have Democrats do during Trump's reign? We stopped him from taking complete control of our government and are now rolling back his policies. Are you suggesting that Democrats should have done what Trump did except do it better and do it four years earlier?

What I suggest they should have done? I think I was pretty clear on that. Everytime Trump spouts his bullshit, throw some reality back in his face instead of letting all his gutter trash insults and lies slide as if it's nothing.

Now the clown still got 74 million votes because all these Qtards think that "where there's smoke there is fire". Trump even got 10 million more votes than in 2016 and we all saw what his Qtards did at the capitol. THAT'S what you get for letting all that crap go unchecked.

What exactly are you looking for here? A pat on the back for the Democrats amazing achievement? The best presidential candidates they could come up with the last 2 elections were Hilary "welfare for oil contracts" Clinton and Joe "is it time for my afternoon nap already" Biden.
It's a pretty pathetic display if a rude orange baboon, devoid of all decency and morals, barely gets 7% less votes than your prime candidate if you ask me.
I haven't forgotten the bailout. Not really a fan of allowing big corps to privatize profits and subsidize losses.

Yeah but the conversation wasn't me saying something bad about dems in a standalone sense, like I just felt the need to come here and complain about dems. The context was that reps are shit and that dems aren't perfect either. He's taking objection to that, so now that's been pulled out and is becoming a singular point of focus by hannimal, not myself.

My representatives suck, always complaining about masks and closed schools. You'd think being in California, we'd all be pretty liberal, but it's really only liberal around LA/SF/Sac, but once you get outside of those regions, it's red as fk.

Gais, life isn't norm referenced grading. It's not like it's fine to rape two women because someone else raped fifty. All I did was say reps raped fifty and dems raped two, and you're getting mad because of it. Not gonna play this game of not acknowledging realities because I don't like them. We should be more critical of those we like than those we don't, that's what improving your cause looks like. What hurts it, is ignoring the imperfections because someone else is worse, even if they're much worse.

I've said my piece on the subject, not gonna go back and forth. Have at it.

especially when they don't pay taxes. it's the key. this country an well when wealthy taxes were paid. you and i weren't even born yet when that last happened.
I haven't forgotten the bailout. Not really a fan of allowing big corps to privatize profits and subsidize losses.

Yeah but the conversation wasn't me saying something bad about dems in a standalone sense, like I just felt the need to come here and complain about dems. The context was that reps are shit and that dems aren't perfect either. He's taking objection to that, so now that's been pulled out and is becoming a singular point of focus by hannimal, not myself.

My representatives suck, always complaining about masks and closed schools. You'd think being in California, we'd all be pretty liberal, but it's really only liberal around LA/SF/Sac, but once you get outside of those regions, it's red as fk.

Gais, life isn't norm referenced grading. It's not like it's fine to rape two women because someone else raped fifty. All I did was say reps raped fifty and dems raped two, and you're getting mad because of it. Not gonna play this game of not acknowledging realities because I don't like them. We should be more critical of those we like than those we don't, that's what improving your cause looks like. What hurts it, is ignoring the imperfections because someone else is worse, even if they're much worse.

I've said my piece on the subject, not gonna go back and forth. Have at it.

why do men compare paying taxes to rape? @Rob Roy?
I'm not quite sure what you are complaining about. Would you prefer a government that is hostile to businesses? How far down this path do you want to go?

Regarding representation, if elections are free and fair and you still don't like where this country is headed, then maybe you should be looking at yourself and your expectations more carefully. This country has a lot more conservative people in it than liberals want to believe. Republicans are doing their utmost to prevent free and fair elections but Democrats aren't. So, if you feel your rep didn't win fair and square in your area, don't blame Democrats.

This reads odd to me, like we're having separate conversations. I think I know what's going on, but please correct me here, what I think has happened is that because I said something negative about dems, I think it's all you can read right now no matter what I say. Did you assume I was talking about and complaining about blue reps? I live in a red part of the state, so I'm complaining about my red reps. I'm in the minority here being on the liberal side.

Are you being consistent with what you've recommended to me and when Trump won, did you look at yourself? Were your postings here over the last five years all about your internal reflection and adjusting your expectations more carefully? Are you suggesting that when a person is unhappy with a blue rep, they need to reflect on themselves and their expectations, but when a person is unhappy with a red rep, they're free and clear to express themselves more freely?

I don't like philosophical inconsistency. It's a cousin to dishonesty.

why do men compare paying taxes to rape? @Rob Roy?

Giving corps money because they've made poor business decisions miiiiiiiiiight not be the same as "paying taxes".
What I suggest they should have done? I think I was pretty clear on that. Everytime Trump spouts his bullshit, throw some reality back in his face instead of letting all his gutter trash insults and lies slide as if it's nothing.

Now the clown still got 74 million votes because all these Qtards think that "where there's smoke there is fire". Trump even got 10 million more votes than in 2016 and we all saw what his Qtards did at the capitol. THAT'S what you get for letting all that crap go unchecked.

What exactly are you looking for here? A pat on the back for the Democrats amazing achievement? The best presidential candidates they could come up with the last 2 elections were Hilary "welfare for oil contracts" Clinton and Joe "is it time for my afternoon nap already" Biden.
It's a pretty pathetic display if a rude orange baboon, devoid of all decency and morals, barely gets 7% less votes than your prime candidate if you ask me.
I guess I gave you too much credit for having an actionable idea of "what they should have done".

"Everytime Trump spouts his bullshit, throw some reality back in his face instead of letting all his gutter trash insults and lies slide as if it's nothing."

First, who are they? How much fact checking and rebuttals to lies do you want? Mainstream media documented 35,000 lies by Trump, they published what he said and what the facts were. I guess we could have wrapped those reports around rocks and thrown them at Trump but otherwise, Trump's support was immune to anything said by people outside of their tribe. Good thing that 80 million people did not believe all of Trump's lies. So, maybe that fact checking had an effect after all.

Second, do you think that it was all simply one-sided? Democrats opposed Trump using every legal lever available to them. What we saw in the past four years was what happens when the followers of authoritarian right leader controls the Presidency and the Senate. That's the way the Constitution was written and we aren't about to change it any time soon. So we are at a point where the next election Republicans win could very well be the last.

We can dispense with the "Republican vs Democrat" labels. With the Trumplican Party, the divide in this society is between democratic supporters vs right wing authoritarian followers. Note that I am not discussing leadership but the people who line up behind those leaders. We've already seen authoritarian behavior. They have no core principles, all they have is their need to dominate. We saw the tactics they employ. They lie, horse- trade, bribe, double cross, rape, menace, kill, torture, blackmail, withhold medicine, selectively pardon loyalists, attempt at taking hostages and attempt insurrection. Pro-democracy tactics are constrained to follow the rule of law. They use less coercive means such as discussion, investigations, transparent government practices and legal precedent. It's not a very long list. Clearly the crooks have an advantage in the short term. But in the long term, they seem to be losing. A movement that decides its best chances of winning an election requires they suppress votes and menace the opposition is practically admitting that they can't rule in a universal democracy.

So, again, I have no idea what you are suggesting we do. Picking up their poo and throwing it back at them went out of fashion many millions of years ago.
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This reads odd to me, like we're having separate conversations. I think I know what's going on, but please correct me here, what I think has happened is that because I said something negative about dems, I think it's all you can read right now no matter what I say. Did you assume I was talking about and complaining about blue reps? I live in a red part of the state, so I'm complaining about my red reps. I'm in the minority here being on the liberal side.

Are you being consistent with what you've recommended to me and when Trump won, did you look at yourself? Were your postings here over the last five years all about your internal reflection and adjusting your expectations more carefully? Are you suggesting that when a person is unhappy with a blue rep, they need to reflect on themselves and their expectations, but when a person is unhappy with a red rep, they're free and clear to express themselves more freely?

I don't like philosophical inconsistency. It's a cousin to dishonesty.

Giving corps money because they've made poor business decisions miiiiiiiiiight not be the same as "paying taxes".

I have no idea what you are talking about. Are you complaining about Democrats being too conservative or are you complaining about the vagaries of living in a red state?

Specifically, this:

"Didn't say anything about trolling though. My complaint with dems is that they also feed the corporate machine. Referring just to elected officials here."

I don't have a complaint that dems "also feed the corporate machine". Not in a general sense. I can't name anything in specific that came from Democrats over the past ten years that fits that statement whatsoever. So, this isn't an attack "because Democrats". I'm confused about what you are talking about.