What are cfl's?


Well-Known Member
Walmart has them for $6.50 for two bulbs and the light clamps are $5.98..I think that is about as cheep as it gets for a light set up...I also found 50w HPS outdoor light for $30, it has a auto on...I mean it turns on when the sensor recieves no light...You could tape it, and put it on a timer...I almost picked a couple up, but wanted to think about it abit more..

Mr. Anonymous

Active Member

Just whatever your going to use them with, I use the hanging light clamp on things... You can see my set up on my gallery.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Unless you buy actual 150 or 250 watt cfls your wasting time.And I mean actual not equal to.Those start at about $85 a piece to 150 a pice and are about 18 inches long


Well-Known Member
These pics are from another thread, he uses 6 27 watt cfl's, you be the judge..

Thanks, i'll take that as a compliment. I put the hydro on hold for now(just got 1 Hindu Kush female in DWC), because i'm working alot of hours. Yeah they are growing quite good, about as fast as my hydro. I could almost clone these things already...



Well-Known Member
LOL yeah but he does not have to have a good venting-cooling set up, and it is very affordable...You see my point I am sure..


Well-Known Member
LOL you crack me up fd! you stand proud my friend, because we both know you are right about what system is better...but for some one just starting out without much cash, there are options....