Nice post charface agreed on just about every point. A lot of good posts in this thread, especially diet being the most important factor . Yeah whole healthy foods are the #1 ticket for gains no doubt.
+1 on compound exercises too, especially 5x5.
On paper 5x5 looks too basic, few compound movement exercises, might even be boring to someone accustomed to doing a lot of variety. It is an old school program that has been around for decades for good reason, it works.
Also on another note, one element that should always be in any exercise program is HIIT /plyometric training. Especially for size, athleticism , and functionality .
HIIT will make any athlete stronger, more explosive, and bigger.
HIIT training spikes hormones like T and HGH and many others. Not only will it raise hormone production which is critical for hypertrophy , but also it raises metabolism and fat burning for many hours after the workout.
Lately, doing a 5x5 routine, I been following my workouts with Sprints, as they are super functional and a good fat loss finisher to any heavy weight routine. So after a 5x5 workout I might do ;
40second /100+yard Sprint
alt w/
30s Shadow sparring
for 10 sets = 12m HIIT /plyo
Tons of exercise choices like box jump, jump rope, split jumps, burpee, sprints, etc used in HIIT
HIIT & Plyometrics is another topic altogether and there is too much left to be said on that topic but all in all if a workout program or routine does not have HIIT or Plyo in it , it is lacking a very critical element and super beneficial workout mode that targets a very specific muscle type and response.
Every workout I do, I add some HIIT/plyo , that is how important I think it is.
Heavy leg workouts and good sleep in addition to a good diet and a good program all have their place and work together to spike hormone production and other elements that contribute to getting stronger all the way around.
There are 2 types of hypertrophy, myofibril and sarcoplasmic , and 5x5 or more specifically, compound exercises in the 4-6 rep range for 4-6 sets produce the best result for muscular strength gains, triggering both types, according to many studies.
Right now I am doing Hulse’s 5x5 and making good gains, meaning each week I move just a little more weight. After doing a solid year of leanhybridmuscle training logs and eating real good I ‘m feeling in good shape all the way around. Getting ready to mix it up getting into some sparring or some competitive shit .
Anyways ya all have a good 1